Register for Franchise Expo online

MANILA, Philippines - “For this year, the expo visitors may register online at, pay the published amount and even get to bring a friend for free.”

Thus said Bing Limjoco, chairman of the Philippine Franchise Association (PFA), organizer of the forthcoming Franchise 2009 at the SMX Convention Center on July 3-5.

These days, online registration is more of the norm than the exception in special industry events like the Franchise 2009, which is expected to draw huge crowds of visitors during its three-day run.

Thanks to info technology, what goes online also moves worldwide and suddenly this PFA-organized international expo looms as this year’s largest franchise event in all of Southeast Asia.

Making  up the expo are various pavilions for specific purposes, such as emerging concepts, allied services, miscellaneous business op-portunities, and young en-trepreneurs.

There’s a pavilion for international franchises and another for the Department of Trade and Industry where visitors can inquire about how to start a business.

For other expo details, contact exhibit manager Worldexco at 855-8341 to 44 or +63917-8229426, fax at 855-8346, e-mail at, or log on to, or the PFA Secretariat at 687-0365 to 67 or e-mail at

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