Nido Fortified Science Discovery Center renews partnership

MANILA, Philippines - For any partnership to work, it needs to be cultivated by a shared vision to succeed in whatever common goal it aims to achieve. It needs to be on the same page. It needs to believe in its purpose and advocacy.   

For Nido Fortified and the Science Discovery Center, this is exactly how they were able to build the country’s first technology-based, highly interactive science center in the Philippines — they merged to reach the common path of helping kids reach their maximum potentials through the Nido Fortified Science Discovery Center (NFSDC).

But this year, they took the journey to greater heights following a renewed partnership that launched a new advocacy campaign and a new state-of-the-art planetarium with the most advanced and sophisticated theater system in the country.

Dubbed “Yes You Can! Gallery and Mommy Caravan,” the latest advocacy of NFSDC revolves around the thought of promoting child development via effective and trusted collaborations. The very idea — it takes a TEAM to raise good and intelligent children.

Arturo Carballo, Jr. senior operations manager of the NFSDC, says, “This team is composed of the mommies and the kids themselves. For teams to do well, they need good teammates. We want to be the teammates you can rely on through the Yes You Can! Gallery and Mommy Caravan.” 

Through this gallery and caravan, the NFSDC aims to offer mothers a venue to learn tips and techniques on how to raise a kid who is smart, intuitive, and healthy, which are the main qualities of a Yes You Can! child.

The gallery and caravan also lined up a list of family bonding activities, ranging from interactive games and workshops to kiddie attractions where kids can channel their creative energies. 

Education and empowerment

The NFSDC also makes the journey to discovery more sensorial and out of this world through its new state-of-the-art displays and galleries — with Digistar 5 leading the pack.   

Regarded as the world’s most advanced full-dome digital theater system, the NFSDC’s Digistar 5 redefines all planetarium systems in the Philippines, as it boasts of a more sophisticated user interface, enhanced real-time capabilities, and real-time playback at 60 frames per second (fps), which is twice the industry’s standard of 30 fps.

The doubled fps of the Digistar 5 allows its viewers to experience a more dramatic resolution of the stars, planets, sun, moon, and all other heavenly bodies, with sharper visuals and more defined motions.

The Science Discovery Center also offers new planetarium shows, such as the Ultimate Universe, allowing one to travel through time and space, while witnessing the major components of the cosmos, the transformation of galaxies, and the life cycle of the stars.

Another planetarium show titled TimeSpace reveals to the audience what and how the universe was like 14 billion years ago, by virtually transporting them to the period of the Big Bang, the doom of the dinosaurs, and the sudden appearance of Halley’s Comet in the Yucatán sky, among others.

Meanwhile, titles such as Journey to the Stars and Astronaut bring a touch of Hollywood as they are narrated by Oscar award-winning artists such as Whoopi Goldberg and Ewan McGregor respectively.

Committed to advancing the experience of kids and parents alike, the NFSDC also upgraded nine of its existing galleries and exhibit pieces, which include futuristic robots, 3D interactive games, and virtual places where science enthusiasts can explore various life cycles and the entire Solar System, while the new Nido Gallery offers kids the chance to build their inventions and conduct experiments.

Carballo says, “Our new advocacy and latest upgrades prove that the partnership between Nido and the Science Discovery Center goes beyond the borders of scientific knowledge by linking the importance of a mother’s guidance in a child’s overall learning development. We are very much dedicated in giving Filipino families extraordinary learning experiences that strengthen both the mind and relationships through these stimulating bonding moments.” 

First launched in 2008, the NFSDC is the country’s first technology-based, highly interactive science center, which is housed in a 3,000-square-meter, two-level facility at the SM Mall of Asia Complex in Pasay City. It is open from Monday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

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