High-fiber bread for weight watchers

Creative Bakers Co. Inc., maker of the famous “sugar-free” bread in the country, introduced in 2007 the Walter Weight Control Bread with High Fiber, a white bread enriched with oat and vegetable fibers and is 98 percent fat-free.

It is the bread with highest fiber content with four grams per serving. High fiber content helps one eat less and makes one feel full for a longer span of time. It is best to take fiber rich products with water to get its full benefit, as fiber expands in the stomach when it absorbs water.

Adding to the list of Creative Bakers’ healthy and nutritious breads are Walter Sugar-Free Wheat Bread, Walter Double Fiber Wheat Bread with Heart Protect, and Walter Hi-Fiber White Bread for Kids.

Log on to www.walterbread.com.

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