Healthy food guide in DiabetEASE mag

The holiday season is a season of parties and delicious dishes and pastries. As everybody lets their hair down for the holidays, they also let down their guard on their calorie intake and indulge in delicious, albeit unhealthy, dishes.

The December issue of DiabetEASE magazine provides a good food guide and tips on sensible holiday eating. Planning to host a party, learn to prepare healthy yet delicious dishes minus the fats and cholesterol.

Get a free copy of DiabetEASE magazine when you buy the anniversary issue of the Health and Lifestyle magazine.

For its December and anniversary issue, H&L gives its readers practical tips on how to take care of their skin. The Philippine Dermatological Society also gives pointers on how to choose the right dermatologist. Plus, get the facts straight on the issue of skin whitening and products that promise fair complexion.

The H&L magazine is available at National Bookstores and magazine outlets nationwide. For subscription inquiries, call 892-0723 to 24.

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