The Miracles of Anti-Aging

No one is immune to death. But at the least, we can challenge it and deprive it of an early victory by prolonging our lives as humanely as possible. Life is like chess, you have to study the ending to succeed, and to live life to the fullest, you have to study death and dying. A paradox? No, it is reality at its best. My colleagues have accused me of being an immortalist but in truth I’m just a hard-nosed realist who knows his genetic limitations and also believes that these limitations can be manipulated genetically and homeostatically to one’s own advantage.

What is DEATH? You have to define it to combat it effectively. Decreased Oxygen, Effective circulation down. Antioxidant and homeostasis lack. Toxin accumulation. Hormomal imbalance.

What is anti-aging medicine? It is an art and science of prolonging life, delaying and reversing the aging process and attempting to combat or delay death. And how exactly do we propose to do that: by exactly reversing decrease in oxygen by giving oxygen and assuring there is no block in the airway; effective circulation down by securing an open line to the cardiovascular system using dextrose, blood or plasma expanders; solving antioxidant lack by infusing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals; and treating toxin accumulation by detoxification using dialysis, EDTA for heavy metal poisoning, etc. Hormonal imbalance is treated by giving HGH, thyroid extract, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, insulin etc. as the case warrants.
Theories of aging
Theories of aging abound but I propose and advocate a universal theory of aging to unify age-old concepts and new ones. I call this theory "BIOSTASIS-KINESIS" which means that homo sapiens (man) interacts with his internal as well as his external milieus, producing a balance distinct to homeostasis which deals only with the internal environment or milieu.

What this theory proposes is to combine all the most feasible and plausible theories like the wear-and-tear, calorie restriction, free radical, genetic control, neuro endocrine and telomerase theories of aging into one and treat the patient accordingly.

The mainstay of anti-aging medicine is the use of human growth hormone (HGH) injection to counteract SDS (Somatotropin Deficiency Syndrome or Somatopause), which produces most of the so-called miracles, to wit:

• Younger, thicker skin,

• Stronger bones,

• Increase in muscle mass,

• Decrease of body fat

• A stronger immune system,

• Tissue regeneration/healing of wounds and recovery in surgery,

• Higher energy level,

• Enhanced sexual performance, including growth of penis size,

• Regrowth of heart, livers, spleen, kidneys and other organs that shrink with age,

• Greater cardiac output,

• Better exercise performance,

• Improved kidney function,

• Lower blood pressure,

• Lower cholesterol,

• Fewer wrinkles,

• Elimination of cellulite,

• Sharper vision,

• Improved mood, and

• Better retention memory.

Now that we know that aging is a treatable medical condition, we can now convert a hyposomatotrophic patient into a eusomasatotrophic one to combat old age. This is all backed up by solid evidence and double blind studies. There is no longer a reason to wait until you are very old to start your own rejuvenation because it is most beneficial to start at the age of 21 when HGH begins to decline. I started when I was 25.
HGH mechanisms
There is a new world to conquer since we have discovered a "new fountain of youth" which is enough to bridge the gap to immortality until such time that medical advances are complete to take on old age and dying. For now, we are content to be semi-immortalists (up to 180 years old) a far cry to Methuselah’s 969.

HGH stops aging in the cells probably through these mechanisms: stopping wear and tear on the cellular level and stopping apoptosis which is programmed cell death by stimulating the cells to produce protease inhibitors. HGH also reverses heart disease and heart failure, prevents strokes and heart attacks, lowers cholesterol and instead of aggravating diabetes may actually help it according to studies, reverses atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, lessens obesity, helps in sexual rejuvenation, increases zest for life, enhances memory, reverses brain shrinkage and Alzheimer, and fights wasting in AIDS.

It is apparent from my anti-aging lectures to other doctors in Cebu, Davao and Manila that there is a dearth in the learning curve among doctors regarding anti-aging. So we really have to educate the public about the benefits of anti-aging medicine.

There is an abundance of charlatans and quacks who even advertises "free anti-aging lectures" but who are actually selling herbs. Herbs are good but up to a certain extent only because it is very hard to give in their optimum dose and they lack quality that sometimes they contain contaminants and hard metals like lead and mercury which could be fatal and cause death.

I advise the general public to beware of these con men. If you need help, call the secretariat of the Philippine Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Inc. at 721-2592, and it will refer you to reputable, authentic and certified anti-aging specialists.

(The author is a noted cosmetic plastic surgeon who toured the United States and Asia for new techniques and technologies in anti-aging medicine and cosmetic plastic surgery. He can be reached at St. Luke’s Medical Center, Room 533, MAB, or at his private Anti-Aging and Beauty Surgery Center at 1823 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City, 721-2592.)

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