The Joys of Anti-Aging

Apoptosis, which is programmed cell death, can be stopped by the power of growth hormone (GH) in a proper milieu (Ref: Grow young with HGH by Dr. Ronald Klatz pp. 95-96). Animal studies have shown the mind-bogging ability of GH to protect the cells of the heart and brain from dying after a heart attack and stroke. What is the point of having a young and sexy body with accompanying explosive sex drive if your mind has gone amnesiac or kaput? Growth hormone can improve all of these things, looking young and sexy with the libido of a teenager and most of all, great memory to boot. It may prevent or help the most horrible aspect of aging which is memory loss and prevent Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s which are mind-destroying diseases.

Researchers believe that the fall in growth hormone levels with aging may explain the shrinking of the brain with age and that GH protects the brain cell from injury and oxygen deprivation such as in strokes. But this should be done using injectable HGH for the fast action it entails and should be done by an anti-aging medical consultant.

Actually, I call the growth hormone the "success hormone." Why? Because it reinvigorates the mind, reversing negative attitudes, outlook and expectations associated with aging. You regain a new sense of well-being, a new lease on life to do the things you have failed to do, to share more enjoyable life with your loved ones, accomplish your goals and ambitions and most of all, prolong the good quality of life.

You avoid being stressed out, exhausted, depressed, conked out, indifferent, fatigued and can now meet new challenges with a better mindset, outlook and attitude of a successful person. It is as if you are resurrected from the dead or what we call the "Lazarus effect." It is like being born into a new world of possibilities where aging no longer exists and immortality is the norm and gold standard; in short, the way we felt as children. This new experience can be accounted for only by a regeneration of our brain and its neuro chemistry, a brain lift, if you may call it, brought about by growth hormones. The scientific and rejuvenatrically proven lost fountain of youth.

I am amazed at the possibilities of growth hormone. As an example, let me cite Gen. Cirilo Oropesa, the "father of the Philippine Special Forces" who trained ex-Gen. Ramos, who is undergoing a rejuvenation program. With the wisdom and experience of Gen. Oropesa, who is a real officer and a gentleman, we could put into good use his experiences to help our soldiers, instead of just wasting them because of aging. We can also utilize other retired executives whose talent and experiences can be put into good use to give our country a lift (just avoid rejuvenating the dirty politicians – the trapos – criminals and drug lords).

Now with a program of HGH (human growth hormone) injections, we can have the zest, energy and joy of life back again. But the most common problem is cost. But computing it in favor of a better quality of life for seniors negates any further question of cost because in the end, your life is priceless and precious.

But life is really strange. I cannot explain why I have more male patients who undergo phalloplasty (penis enlargement) than male patients who want anti-aging rejuvenation. Isn’t life more important to prolong than to prolong a man’s anatomy? Your call, I put my hands up in desperation to explain this weird macho phenomenon. It is easier to answer the egg or the chicken puzzle.

I follow the following dictums in my rejuvenation programs which I tailor individually on a case-to-case basis:

• Detoxify first the human body;

• Declog blocked arteries and lymphs;

• Optimize anti-aging results;

• Maximize anti-aging effects in combination with other regimens; and

• Minimize side-effects by proper dosing.

This is guided by the Hippocratic dictum "First, do no harm (Primum, non nocere)." The bottomline: it is your body, not mine; the decision is yours, phalloplasty or rejuvenation?

(The author is a noted cosmetic plastic surgeon who toured the United States and Asia for new techniques and technologies in anti-aging medicine and cosmetic plastic surgery. He corresponds with the brightest and most renowned peers.

He is a Tau Mu Sigma Phi member of the UST College of Medicine and Surgery, and is founder of Rejuvenatrics and Rejuvenatology. His special interests are the use of minimally invasive surgery in anti-aging and cosmetic surgery, and the use of gene therapy and active specific immunotherapy against cancer.

He is a pioneer in the use of human growth hormone in the Philippines and high doses of anti-oxidants in the battle against aging. He also does penis enlargement to boost the male ego.

He can be reached at St. Luke’s Medical Center, Rm. 533, MAB, or at his private Anti-Aging and Beauty Surgery Center, 1823 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City, tel. no. 721-2592.)

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