Earth-friendly homes

MANILA, Philippines - Scientists have been ringing alarm bells recently. Global warming, they say, is speeding up faster than their models predicted a decade ago. Polar ice caps are melting faster; mountain glaciers are way thinner. With sea levels predicted to rise in meters, this puts pressure on island nations – including the Philippines!

But there is something you and your family can do. If more and more people join, then that’s a lot of combined efforts to help avert global disaster. Choose to live in a transit-oriented development like Pioneer Woodlands, which is strategically located across the Boni MRT station.

Empire East Land Holdings Inc. president Anthony Charlemagne Yu noted, “Global warming is a serious issue. From our observations, train transit is one of the highly accepted modes of travel worldwide, be it New York, Tokyo or Hong Kong. Through the transit-oriented features of Pioneer Woodlands, we hope that its future inhabitants and their families will be part of the solution to this global issue.”

By living at Pioneer Woodlands, you won’t really need to purchase a family car – one of the main sources of global-warming carbon dioxide and other polluting gases. Over here, you can take the fast MRT to get to any destination.

And it will all happen sooner, since Pioneer Woodlands recently broke ground for its Tower 1. Construction is now ongoing.

To make your family an earth-friendly and transit-oriented unit, please call Empire East at 810-3333 or visit to learn more about Pioneer Woodlands.

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