7 ways to be a green driver

MANILA, Philippines - And by green, I don’t mean beginner, either. The green driver is a sensitive, sensible motorist who is ever mindful of his carbon footprint and its impact on the world.

In the face of the mother of all oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico, people are pressed to take an introspective look once more at how their actions affect nature. Often, as in other matters of real life, choices are neither easy nor dramatic. It’s the little things that, taken together, spell the difference between success and disaster.

Talking about our carbon footprint, much of that footprint comes about when we use our automobile – which emits greenhouse gases and consumes non-renewable fuel.

Knowing and accepting we have finite resources is the first step to being a savvy road user. Buying a hybrid vehicle is a big step in the right direction. However, that option is currently beyond the average household’s budget. That being said, there is no reason for car owners to scrimp and save at the expense of our environment. No one should tolerate smoke-belching clunkers in this day and age, and economics has nothing to do with it.

So, on with the program then. Let’s do our share to make this world a better, cleaner one from the driver’s wheel. Some tips.

Speed management. Jackrabbit starts when the light turns green proves nothing except your ignorance. You know, of course, that you consume more fuel that way, don’t you? Speeding and being heavy-footed on the gas also contribute to that end. If you notice you keep slamming on the brakes hard and often, it’s a sure sign you’re wasting gas (as much as 30 percent) – not to mention prematurely wearing out those pads.

Talkin’ about revolution. That tachometer sure looks nice when the needle goes up near the red line. But that’s just in Hollywood films like The Fast and The Furious franchise (try saying that real fast). Remember that you’re not racing Vin Diesel on your everyday commute. Higher revs mean faster fuel consumption rate. When driving a manual, learn to shift gears sensibly – not when your engine is screaming bloody murder. Again, lower engine rpm means lower gas consumption and reduced emissions from your tailpipe.

Name that tune. Don’t put off a scheduled tune up. Keep with the program, for faulty spark plugs mean lousy fuel mileage. Change your filters regularly, too.

Lighten up. Here’s an oft-ignored nugget of wisdom: if you check your vehicle trunk, you’d probably see something there you don’t need. Unburden your car of needless weight, and you’d save gas because your car engine needs to exert less. 

Plan your trip. Going somewhere today? Program errands such as doing the groceries so that you maximize your trip, and won’t have to go on a separate drive later. That also means strategically plotting what roads to take.

Cruising. Have cruise control? Use it on those long drives so you’ll resist the urge to speed – and you’ll be less tired, too.

Don’t be a litterbug. As for yourself, please resist throwing anything out the window. That means cigarette butts, paper cups, tissue paper – anything – including hocking a gob of sputum. That’s just plain disgusting and gross.

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