Espenilla in ABA confab

MANILA, Philippines - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Deputy Governor Nestor Espenilla will be among the regional bank regulators attending the 32nd ABA General Meeting and Conference on Nov. 12-13 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan. ABA chairman and president of CTBC Financial Holdings Co. Ltd. Daniel Wu said the conference hopes to promote the development and cooperation of the banking and economic industry in the Asia-Pacific region. Also expected to join the two-day confab are: Amb. Alfonso T. Yuchengco, honorary chairman of Rizal Commercial Banking Corp.; Dr. Ma Weihua, former president of China Merchants Bank; Dr. David K. P. Li, chairman and chief executive of The Bank of East Asia Ltd.; Antonio Massanell, vice chairman of CaixaBank (third largest bank in Spain); Dr. Majid Ghassemi, chief executive officer of Bank Pasargad (largest bank in Iran); Jermy Prenio, deputy director of Regulatory Affairs, Institute for International Finance; and Richard Hartung, head of Content Asia Pacific, European Financial Management Association (EFMA).


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