Hub for semi-temperate crops, agri-tourism spot

A university should be in synch with the times, and not merely serve as a teaching place. It must evolve into an institution of the information age, where developing cutting-edge technologies and approaches attain primacy.

Thus suggested former acting agriculture secretary William D. Dar, at the 90th anniversary of the Benguet State University (BSU), June 26-30, in La Trinidad, where he was conferred the most distinguished alumnus award.

In particular, BSU should focus on solidifying its niche as the country’s premier institution in the field of horticulture and semi-temperate crops, and as a major agri-tourism destination in the Cordillera region, said Dar, who finished BS in agricultural education in 1973 and MS in agronomy in 1976, at the then Mountain State Agricultural College (MSAC), which became a university in 1986.

"BSU should encourage creative thinking, link higher education to future needs and employ the youth in constructive engage-ments. It must lead in the areas of biotech-nology, innovation, productivity and wealth creation," noted the former DA chief, who is currently the director-general of the Inter-national Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) based in India.

"The university could then contribute to alleviating poverty, as it would be more relevant to the labor market needs and play a key role in increasing the region’s agricultural productivity," added Dar, who hails from Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, and started as a farm technician in 1973 at the then Bureau of Agricultural Extension in Benguet.

He urged BSU officials, led by its president Dr. Rogelio Colting, to review and upgrade their academic programs, and optimize on their strengths They should also build mutual and continuing partnerships with technology-users, particularly farmers and entrepreneurs, and with institutions that have complementary skills and resources.

"A university cannot afford to have antiquated facilities and old-fashioned ideas. Find ways of financing your plans, for your present linkages may not last long. Explore and enter into strategic partnerships with international and domestic donors, the private sector, LGUs, national agencies, and other academic institutions," noted Dar, who first taught at Baguio City High School, before he moved on to MSAC, where he spent 14 years. Former agriculture secretary Carlos Dominguez tapped Dr. Dar, while he was BSU vice-president for research and development, to head the DA’s Bureau of Agricultural Research in 1987.

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