New rice publication is off the press

There’s a new newsletter titled "All About Rice".

The quarterly publication is being turned out by the Asia Rice Foundation, a regional nongovernment organization advocating public and government support for rice research, education, and cultural activities.

"All About Rice" focuses on rice science, technology and related issues to inform the public about current hot items on the world’s most important cereal.

The newsletter is intended for leaders in agriculture, education, extension, media, and policymakers who in turn could diffuse and disseminate the information to their constituents.

"The ARF is putting out this publication believing that information and knowledge empowers people to reason, decide, act, and innovate, which makes for a dynamic and progressive rice industry," the foundation stated.

ARF has country chapters in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, and the Philippines. Its members are former and active rice scientists from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice), UP Los Baños, and other research institutions, research administrators, academicians, educators, development experts, and policymakers.

The maiden issue of "All About Rice" focuses on "Organic Fertilizer in Rice: Myths and Facts", written by Dr. Cezar P. Mamaril, former professor in Soil Science of UPLB and IRRI scientist.

Dr. Emil Q. Javier, ARF chairman and former UP president and UPLB chancellor, reviewed the article.

Dr. Rogelio V. Cuyno, former UP Mindanao chancellor and now ARF director for Philippine Operation, said subsequent issues of the publication will focus on integrated pest management, biotechnology, biodiversity, ecology of the rice paddy, hybrid rice and golden rice. – Rudy A. Fernandez

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