FATF puts Croatia, Cameroon, Vietnam on ‘gray list’

PARIS — International money-laundering watchdog the Financial Action Task Force announced Friday it had put Cameroon, Croatia and Vietnam on its “gray list” of countries under increased monitoring.

The three nations join 23 others on the list which are “actively working with the FATF to address the strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter money-laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing.”

Other countries on the gray list include Albania, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.

The announcement came on the final day of the FATF’s plenary meeting in Paris.

The 39-member body, which is based in Paris, has a gray list of countries requiring closer monitoring and a black list of nations classed high-risk.

No changes were made to the FATF black list, which for the moment includes three countries: Iran, Myanmar and North Korea.

It recommends that countries in this last category should be subject to much closer scrutiny.

More than 200 countries and jurisdictions have agreed to implements the FATF’s standards in this area.

Its recommendations include actions covering transparency, preventive measures coordination and punitive measures.

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