

Nestlé, AboitizPower renew partnership on renewable power

Danessa Rivera - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — Nestlé Philippines has renewed its partnership with Aboitiz Power Corp. for the supply of clean and renewable energy as part of its goal to reduce its carbon footprint and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

“Our transition to 100 percent clean and renewable electricity in the country is a high priority. We are confident that we are on the right track towards achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions,”  Nestlé Philippines chairman and CEO Kais Marzouki said.

Under the partnership, AboitizPower will supply Nestlé Philippines renewable energy for six of its facilities.

The clean power will be sourced from the Tiwi and MakBan geothermal power plants, which are operated and managed by AP Renewables Inc. (APRI).

AboitizPower has committed to provide the best products and services including  beefing up its portfolio of renewable energy.

The partnership between Nestlé  and AboitizPower began in 2013 when the former started its energy transition.

AboitizPower supplies Cleanergy to all of Nestlé’s factories in Luzon as well as its local head office in Makati City.

Sandro Aboitiz, SVP of AboitizPower’s Commercial Operations Business Unit, said the company works constantly to deliver the quality of energy that will help power the needs of its partners and see their vision of environmental conservation becoming a reality.

“We are happy to support Nestlé Philippines as it pursues sustainable practices and maximizes the use of renewable energy to create a healthier future for the planet,” he said.

As the world’s largest food and beverage corporation, Nestle aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and reduce it  in half by 2030.

In order to achieve this, Nestlé will, among other measures, transition to 100 percent clean and renewable electricity across its 800 global sites by 2025.

In 2021, Nestlé had already attained 63.7 percent clean and renewable energy sourcing.

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