A speech in Washington

Frank Turek writes a very interesting piece of material that will make us think.

The United States Congress was in a rare joint session. All 435 representatives and 100 senators were in attendance, and the C-SPAN-TV cameras were rolling. The members were gathered together to hear a speech by a descendant of George Washington. But what they thought would be a polite speech of patriotic historical reflections quickly turned into a televised tongue-lashing with a wagging finger and stern looks. Washington’s seventh-generation grandson declared.

Woe to you, egotistical hypocrites, you are full of greed and self-indulgence. Everything you do is done for appearances and make pompous speeches and grandstand before these TV cameras; you demand the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats wherever you go. You would love to be greeted in your districts and have everyone call you senator or congressman. On the outside you appear to people as righteous, but on the inside, you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. You say you want to clean up Washington, but as soon as you get there, you become twice as much as son of Hell is the one you replaced!

Woe to you, makers of the law you hypocrites, and you do not practice what you preach, you put heavy burdens on the citizens but then opt out of your own laws, low to you federal fools, you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution. But then you notify the Constitution by allowing judges to make up their own laws.

Woe to you blind hypocrites! You say that if you had lived in the days of the founding fathers, you never would have taken part with them in slavery. You say you would never have agreed that slaves with the property of their masters but would have insisted that they were human beings with unalienable rights. But you testify against yourselves because today you say that unborn children are the property of their mothers and have no rights at all! Upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed in this country. You snakes. You brood of vipers, who have left this great chamber desolate. How will you escape being condemned to hell?

Of course, such an address never really took place. If it had then you certainly would have heard about it. Who would be so blunt and rude to address the nation’s leaders that way, certainly no one claiming to be a Christian. Are you sure?

Well, we’re not sure that Jesus would make such comments to today’s political leaders, He actually did make similar comments to the religious leaders of his day. If you read the 23rd chapter of Matthew, you’ll see that much of our fictitious speech is adapted from the real speech Jesus made to the crowds and the Pharisees, contrary to the spineless Jesus invented today by those who want to be spineless themselves.

It is amazing to realize that Jesus showed gentleness and mercy even to the political leaders in his days that were oppressive and unjust, but he reserved all of the harshest words for the religious leaders who were living hypocritical lives.

One more thing to consider. The real Jesus taught with authority and did not tolerate error. When religious people were wrong, he made righteous judgments, and let everyone know what those judgments were. And who could be better at correcting error than God himself?

Since Jesus is God, whatever he teaches is true. This Jesus extends his love and grace to religious leaders, politicians and yes to every sinner like you and me. We need a savior. And thus, we celebrate Christmas and Resurrection Sunday. Jesus came for the sick and the lost. And we all need Him.

Jesus was born in a poor man’s borrowed manger and he was buried in a rich man’s borrowed tomb. It does not take much for us to understand that Jesus did not come to teach us to be powerful but it be humble?

(Reserve the dates: Jan. 29-30. Attend the highly acclaimed Level Up Leadership Seminar and Workshop 2020 edition. Learn inspiring leadership lessons and valuable life skills in this widely acclaimed program at Seda Hotel, BGC. For further inquiries or advanced reservations contact April at +63928-559-1798 or register online at  HYPERLINK “http://www.levelupleadership.ph” www.levelupleadership.ph

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