PCCI optimistic on P-Noy OK of econ legislative measures

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) is optimistic at least one of its proposed list of resolutions to President Aquino would get implemented before the end of the current administration’s term next year.

 “There are still some which will make it because our President is popular. If it’s a different President, there may not be a chance anymore,” PCCI president Alfredo Yao said in an interview on the sidelines of the 41st Philippine Business Conference and Expo yesterday.

The PCCI, the country’s largest business organization, has submitted to Malacañang a number of legislative measures they want enacted into laws as well as resolutions it wants the government to implement to help spur new investments and further bolster the local business climate.

The legislative measures include the Customs Modernization and Tariffs Act, the Creation of the Department of Information and Communications Technology Act, Public-Private Partnership Act (BOT Law Amendment), Electricity Rate Reduction Act (removing VAT on electricity), Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act, Income Tax Reform Act, Plastic Bag Regulation Act superseding the local government ordinances on the banning of plastic bags, and House Bill 3161 allowing the use of incinerators in burning municipal, biomedical and hazardous wastes.


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