Barangay chair post in La Union decided by a coin toss

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – A tie between bets for the barangay chairman post in a village in San Fernando City, La Union was settled with a toss of a P5 coin.

Though not the first time done in various local elections in the country, the coin toss was still seen as the most peaceful way of settling the tie between re-electionist Romulo 'Molong' Pulido and opponent Raul Octavo.

Both getting 405 votes in barangay Pagdaraoan, San Fernando City, Pulido and Octavo squared off in the village elections last Monday and settled it squarely too.

Pulido’s choice of tails of the P5 coin prevailed over Octavo’s heads.

But to seal the agreement to settle the tie with the P5 coin toss, a written agreement made by the chairman of the local board of canvassers in their precinct was both inked by the contenders.

 In the May 13 polls, mayoral bets tied on the votes in San Teodoro, Bulacan tossed to coin to settle the tie. Both the winner and the loser accepted the decision made and shook hands after.

According to the Philippine election law, tied electoral contests must be settled by the drawing of lots, of which a coin toss was an acceptable variant.

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