Pepsi, Max's renew tie-up

MANILA, Philippines - Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI) and Max’s Restaurant reaffirmed once again their strong partnership through a third three-year exclusivity contract signed recently by ranking officials of both companies.

The accord embodies a strategic marketing alliance between Pepsi and Max’s which was initially forged in 2002 when the partners signed their first three-year exclusivity contract involving canned Pepsi soft drink products and post-mix machines.

The tie-up was first renewed in March 2006 for another three successful years, but with the inclusion of the post-mix format of Lipton Iced Tea, thereby enabling Pepsi to serve the restaurant chain’s total beverage requirement.

July 2009 marked the second renewal of the bilateral agreement signifying yet another vote of mutual confidence between Pepsi and Max’s.

The marketing collaboration which has withstood the test of time and hostile economic climates was born out of the initiatives of PCPPI Modern Trade Operations team led by sales manager Alex Catindig and the PepsiCo marketing team.

“This (third) renewal comes after 10 years of an indomitable partnership with Max’s,” said Ruben Yu, AVP and General Manager of PCPPI’s Modern Trade Operations. “PCPPI will continue to support the programs of Max’s in promoting their products and services.”

For his part, PCPPI president Partha Charabarti said they cannot be happier to have Max as a marketing partner. “We are honored to be a partner of a world class Filipino company that provides its clients with that distinctive Filipino brand of food,” he said.

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