PLDT forges alliance with CENX

MANILA, Philippines - After achieving world-renowned Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) 9 and 14 certifications for its Ethernet network and services, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT) moves a step further by forging a significant alliance with CENX (Carrier Ethernet Neutral Exchange), a leading global Ethernet exchange operator.

The implications of this global, alternative delivery Ethernet connection platform benefits the BPO industry, multinational companies and other businesses which are rapidly moving towards bandwidth-hungry voice and data applications – virtualization, telepresence and video streaming, among others.

“Our participation in CENX allows PLDT to significantly expand its global alliances on Ethernet, therefore providing corporate customers with a wide array of global service provider options as well as broader geographic coverage,” PLDT senior vice president Eric Alberto said.

Ethernet enables a fundamental leap in carrier networking due to its unmatched scalability, scope and cost-efficiency. Ethernet allows customers to easily scale their bandwidth to higher speeds in line with the growth of their business through easy logical changes- no physical re-provisioning is required. 

This significantly shortens the lead-time for provisioning and lowers the incremental cost of upgrades.

CENX integrates and interconnects the carrier Ethernet infrastructures of different service providers, global and local carriers, with less cost and faster implementation. It has exchanges in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Frankfurt and Hong Kong, among others.

CENX will link PLDT’s Ethernet network to other international Ethernet service providers, expanding global reach with initial integration in CENX Hong Kong via PLDT’s Asia-America Gateway cable system.

Jovy Hernandez, PLDT vice president and head of PLDT Corporate Business Group and Smart enterprise sales and marketing, meanwhile noted the proliferation of Ethernet as the new standard for data communication.

“Owing to its unmatched scalability, worldwide Ethernet revenues are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 25 percent to $7.8 billion, according to a Frost and Sullivan study. PLDT recognizes this potential and CENX is a strategic initiative to ride this wave of growth,” he said.

Also, PLDT vice president and corporate business solutions head Vic Tria pointed out that PLDT’s compliance with MEF’s strictest specifications authenticates its ability to provide global-standard Ethernet solutions. “Proof of this is its MEF 9 and 14 certifications, validating PLDT’s Ethernet network as world-class in quality, robustness and above all, reliability,” he added.

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