Subic auctioneer seeks review of ban on second-hand truck imports

MANILA, Philippines - A leading auctioneer of imported second-hand trucks has asked the Senate committee on ways and economic affairs to review executive order 887-A signed by former President Arroyo on the ban on the importation of second-hand trucks and heavy equipment.

In separate letters to ways and means committee chairman Senator Ralph Recto and economic affairs chairman Senator Manny Villar last Oct. 16, United Auctioneers Inc. president Dominic Sytin said that about 120,000 workers will be displaced once the ban is enforced.

President Arroyo signed last June 3 the EO otherwise known as the Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development Program or EO 887-A, which bans the entry of imported used vehicles but allows the entry of imported used trucks, special purpose vehicles such as firetrucks and ambulances, and heavy equipment.

The Department of Trade and Industry is said to be crafting an Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) that could effectively prohibit businesses like United Auctioneers Inc. to import the said vehicles.

“In a period of less than 12 years, auction of used trucks and heavy equipment has evolved into a major industry than can greatly impact the country’s economy. In our “unreserved” auctions, we cater to contractors, fish dealers, haulers, farmers, LGU’s, families, and other average income people from all imaginable walks of life,” Sytin said.

Sytin said these clients, composed of various small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and multi-sectoral association, have expressed fears that if the ban is imposed, the cost of private and government infrastructure projects will increase and that the escalation in overhead could result in mass layoff.

Sytin added the importations have generated billions of pesos worth of revenues for the government by way of taxes and duties collected by the Bureau of Customs and port charges and rental paid to SBMA.

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