Clean energy to power RP investments, says Angara

MANILA, Philippines - The looming worldwide power crunch can be a source of billions of dollars in new investments for the Philippines.

This is according to Sen. Edgardo J. Angara, the principal author of R.A. 9513 or the Renewable Energy Resources Act, who said the power crisis is actually “a unique opportunity to capitalize on our indigenous energy sources.”

Angara quoted the study “2008 Global Energy [R]evolution Sustainable Energy Outlook” which identified the Philippines among the “hot spots” of new power generation investment, along with China, North America, Europe, Indonesia, and Thailand .

The study said the average investment on the power sector worldwide for the next three decades could reach $590 billion a year.

In this connection, he announced that the government is setting up the Renewable Energy R&D Institute (RERDI) to lead the country’s efforts in forging public-private initiatives to develop the country’s indigenous clean energy technologies.

“These technologies, once commercialized, can spur the growth of clean industries and create green jobs in the Philippines,” said Angara.

The Congressional Commission on Science, Technology and Engineering (COMSTE), which he chairs, is currently pursuing combined heat and power systems which integrate the agriculture and energy sectors.

The senator from Baler said the two sectors can complement each other by using locally generated biofuel as energy source, and that “by placing combined heat and power systems, the electric power generated can light up homes, run factories and light public areas.”

“The heat produced can be efficiently reused in food processing,” he said. “Smart solar system can power domestic post-harvest activities, boosting our agricultural productivity.”

The former University of the Philippines president noted that more and more countries are turning to the sun for answer to their energy problems.

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