Petty tyrants in advertising

A Spybiz informant complained that small suppliers to advertising companies are getting the raw end of the deal because of petty tyrants. Also called media buyers and planners, these executives reportedly give TVC projects to preferred production houses even without the benefit of any bidding. These employees also reportedly refuse to consider other shows outside of the two giant networks, even if such independently produced shows are getting considerably good ratings and the concept is suitable to their client’s target market. In the rare chance that they would consider shows aired outside the two giant networks, they prefer their "personal" choices, or they could be persuaded with "incentives" from block time producers. If such practice is not curbed, the advertising industry would stagnate and would lose out in terms of quality production because small but creative and cost efficient suppliers are not given a fair chance against the "favorites," the informant said.
‘Omega Man’s’ counting saga
The Spy-ring reported that the marriage of "Omega Man" is on the rocks because of his incessant womanizing. Sources said he has had at least five mistresses, one of whom is an MC by whom he has a two-year-old daughter. MC’s sister was reportedly given a port contract in the voluble solon’s district, distributing crushed ice to fishermen. Secret Mistress Number Two is LO who was an actress in the ’90s with forgettable films, and was linked to an action star. She is also a married woman and was reportedly booted out by her rich hubby when he discovered that she was trying to sell their house in a premier business district in the metropolis, not realizing that the house was in hubby’s name. Secret Mistress Number Three is said to be Omega Man’s secretary, and as if to prove that he’s such a Lothario, the secretary’s sister became Mistress Number Four. The fifth one, who rounds up the alleged current crop of mistresses, is said to be a teacher in his district. But those who know lover boy are saying that this counting saga will most likely continue.
Road psycho
The owner/operator of MLi, a warehouse, outlet distributor and manpower service provider might want to have the driver of its delivery van with plate number RWD920 tested for psychological and mental fitness. Last April 25, the driver almost bumped several cars as he forced his way up the C5 Bridge (along E. Rodriguez Avenue southbound side). Using his vehicle’s bulk and size, and probably emboldened by the fact that he looked like a thug with his bald head and his hefty build, the psychotic driver snaked his way from the rightmost lane to the middle, almost crushing the smaller vehicles with only several inches to spare. He seemed totally oblivious of the ruckus he was creating and the angry glares from the other drivers, continuing with his snaky ascent, nonchalantly chewing what could have been gum the whole time. Fortunately, the name of the owner/operator – a certain A. Ureta Jugo – was prominently displayed on the truck with telephone numbers 655-1153 and 240-0208 and email so people can call or write to complain about the bizarre driving tactics of this psycho. If the owner wants to preserve his business, he would do well to replace this psychotic person with someone more responsible and sane.
Spybiz bulletin: Versailles in Alabang
Those contemplating to move south might want to take a peek at Versailles, reputedly a high-end, French-Mediterranean inspired community that combines the efforts of Palafox Associates, Singapore’s Jurong Consultants and the Rolando mercado Design Associates. Located in Daang Hari in Las Piñas, Versailles boasts 24/7 security services, a country-club like clubhouse and world-class amenities. Drop by during the open house slated on Saturday from 4 to 9 p.m. and enjoy the wines and cheeses, a relaxing chair massage and soft music in a European inspired ambience.
Spy tidbiz: Live to a hundred
Research from the Center on Aging at the University of Chicago may have unraveled the secret of longevity. In a study involving almost 200 centenarians from across the United States, researchers led by the husband and wife team of Dr. Leonid Gavrilo and Dr. Natalia Gavrilova, it was discovered that those born to a woman under 25 years of age double their chances of living beyond 100 than those born to older mothers. The findings also debunked two earlier theories: That firstborn children live longer because they are relatively more protected from pediatric illnesses because they were not surrounded by disease-carrying siblings, or that they benefited from having young and strong fathers. The new study cleared up an earlier statistical mystery when the same research team found out three years ago that firstborns had better chances at longevity. As it turns out, the firstborn phenomenon and longevity are driven by young maternal age. Asked why the young age of mothers could affect the longevity of their children, Gavrilov could only offer a biological hypothesis: that maybe the eggs of younger women are different in their quality and that the best and most vigorous ones go first to fertilization.
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