

Caretaker Council? Let’s just keep Ate Glo

- Boo Chanco -
That was one pathetic photograph we had in the front page of this newspaper last Friday… Caretaker Council indeed! If that’s the only option being given us, let us just keep Ate Glo. Looking at the faces of those advocating the creation of this so- called Caretaker Council and the names they said who would compose it (including two people working for PIATCO), I predict the ultimate disaster upon our country and people.

I don’t see how that Council can effectively govern. Sure, they say they are united now and probably ready to sublimate their own sector’s agenda because they are focused on ousting Ate Glo. But the moment she’s out, they’d be at each other’s throats.

Have you ever seen a group of highly politicized Pinoys who can actually work together? Pinoy communists have broken up into factions and have lately, been killing each other. Even abroad, Pinoy associations break up because somehow, we find it difficult to put the common good ahead of personal ambitions and agenda.

But the break up of a Pinoy organization in Los Angeles is nothing compared to the havoc that the break up of the Caretaker Council that holds political power here. A power vacuum will be immediately created and that’s tailor made for the Communists or a military junta to step in. After all, only the communists and the military are organized and somewhat disciplined enough to grab power and exercise it with authority.

I could only laugh when these convenors of a Caretaker Council declared that they won’t allow a military junta to take over... as if they can stop the guys with the guns from doing what they want once the constitutional order is broken with Ate Glo’s ouster. They have to be naïve if they believe this. My suspicion is, they know better but they must think our people are so stupid to believe them.

Sure, I think Ate Glo’s ability to govern is now severely compromised and it is best that she considers resigning or taking the graceful exit offered by former President Ramos through a constitutional change. I also do not believe there are no viable constitutional successors now. I think Noli’s worth a try or if not, there is a way of making Frank Drilon or Manny Villar assume the position if Noli resigns with Ate Glo.

Then, we can work on changing to a parliamentary system, and be like Italy with a new government every few months but business goes on as usual, ignoring the noisy politicians. We can have a system that would elect a figure head President so that the masa could go on voting for their showbiz idols and it wouldn’t matter a bit to national governance or the economy. Susan Roces could be President or Queen and everyone would be happy because a competent Prime Minister is in control.

But a Caretaker Council that would be in power for three years is a pipedream. That spells chaos and eventually repression, along the lines of Burma. I know I don’t want to live in a country like that and I guess neither would the middle forces in this country. That is why this movement to kick Ate Glo out of power isn’t getting middle class support… that’s why it is dead in the water.

Even as I can’t imagine how the country would survive five more years under Ate Glo, I would take my chances with her... not with a bunch of angry old folks who cannot be expected to long survive as a group. I don’t think it is even fair to risk the welfare and safety of our people in this cockamamie adventure.
Economic Managers
We got formally introduced to Ate Glo’s new economic team in a special forum organized by the Manila Overseas Press Club last Friday. It was obvious that the ones who impressed the crowd of journalists and businessmen in the luncheon affair were the bureau directors who will do all the heavy lifting.

Jojo Bunag, the new BIR Chief came across as the gentler and kinder face of the tax collector. I didn’t even think such a person could exist. But that’s the image projected by Atty. Bunag. Sure, he sounded firm enough to throw the book at you if he caught you cheating on your taxes, but he is likely to do it with a smiling face and maybe a friendly pat on the back.

But the man who really impressed us that afternoon was Customs Commissioner Balong Arevalo, a former military aide of former President Ramos who is also a computer whiz and a Harvard alumnus. He promised "no holy cows" and to resign at the first sign of political pressure that would prevent him from doing his job right and honestly. Well.. there goes another good man, I guess.

Balong has his work plan for an effective and honest Customs bureau (seems like an oxymoron... honest Customs bureau!). Essentially, he will use technology and an operating system that makes it easy to pinpoint responsibility and minimizes opportunity to succumb to temptation.

The good guys will win this war, Commissioner Balong says, by using information astutely. He is getting grants from a number of foreign governments to help him get his program running. He is also getting cooperation from customs offices of other countries that would keep them more than a few steps ahead of smugglers and other such villains.

What impressed us most about Balong is how he exudes a sense of mission mixed with a lot of old fashioned patriotism, which I hope and pray, will be enough to conquer the bad guys. He was asked point blank by Dong Puno, how he would react if powerful people, including one extremely "holy cow" who was recently banished by Ate Glo, interfered with his job. He didn’t even flinch when he said he would resign if that happened.

However, Balong quickly added he believes he has a small window of opportunity of from three to six months to transform the Customs bureau. He sees the political predicament of Ate Glo as the chance to introduce real and lasting reforms even in an agency as notorious as Customs.

He might be right. Ate Glo would be too busy and worried about surviving to allow anyone in her family or political allies to mess up with a reform program she needs badly to stay in power. The way Balong sounded, Ate Glo will have to allow him to succeed. The hidden message here is that he has the support of his reformist "mistahs" in the armed forces.

Balong strikes me as one who belongs to a new class of military officers who are technologically savvy and dedicated to their duties with a passion. I detected a strong sense of mission in the 46-year old officer who probably looks at his job as a last ditch attempt to prove our democracy can work. Ate Glo must surely know, it would be extremely dangerous to have him on the other side.

As for the two Cabinet secretaries also with us in that forum, they proved to be perfect alter egos of the President... they sounded ordinary... they said nothing earthshaking... nothing inspiring. They didn’t give me the sense of urgency their predecessors exuded. They seem uneasy... unsure.

But then again, they just got their jobs and are probably just getting briefed on the enormity of the problems they face. Maybe, in another week, they’d be figuratively pissing in their pants too, wondering what they got themselves into.

All I can say is, we are lucky Ate Glo appointed Jojo and Balong. They are certainly right up there and running... If Ate Glo can be saved by any of her appointees, it is these two who will give people like us in the middle class, reason to give her another chance.
Customs Inspection
Speaking of customs, here’s something sent in by Atty. Sonny Pulgar.

After an overseas trip, two ladies went through the customs checkpoint at the airport. The custom officer found out that Lady A had seven branded panties in her luggage. When Lady A said the panties were not bought overseas, the custom officer asked, "Why do you need to bring seven panties on an overseas trip?" Lady A replied, "I don’t do any washing when I am abroad. Don’t you know that one week has seven days?"

She then was allowed to go through without having to pay any taxes.

The custom officer then opened Lady B’s suitcase and found twelve panties. When Lady B insisted she brought them from home, the custom officer asked: "Why do you need to bring 12 panties on an overseas trip?"

The offended Lady B replied, "I also do not do any washing when I travel. Don’t you know that one year has 12 months?"

Boo Chanco’s e-mail address is [email protected]

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