Free directory assistance for the blind

When PLDT launched its enhanced directory assistance 187 and started to charge P3 per inquiry, it told the public they had the option to get the information for free by using the good old yellow pages (yes Virginia, they are still in existence). But what if you’re totally blind? What free option do you have?

That’s a legitimate question PLDT is tackling now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they come out with a limited edition braille version of the telephone directory. If they do, that could probably be a first worldwide.
Old And New Rumors
Manny Pangilinan seemed very concerned and pissed at the same time after a reporter asked him whether he knew about rumors circulating in the Philippine Stock Exchange that Vivian Yuchengco has been sending out text messages discrediting to Manny’s group, i.e. that First Pacific did not bother to conduct a due diligence before it bought PLDT, Piltel, Negros Navigation.

After all Manny and Vivian are known to be friends. And why would Vivian go into a text brigade on something that is common knowledge to the business community – that the times and conditions surrounding First Pacific’s acquisition of PLDT and Piltel from the Cojuangcos did not allow for a due diligence.

Meanwhile, how true is it that PLDT independent board member Ric Zarate will be replaced by Tessie Sy-Coson in the board during the company’s annual general meeting on June 8? Sources say Tessie is Manny’s personal choice to replace Ric, who is retiring.
Cebu’s Preferred Choice
After nearly 10 years of partnership with Globelines, PLDT is now the new preferred choice of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce to power its voice, data, satellite and Internet requirements for the Cebu Business Month.

The PLDT corporate business group is heralding this shift from Globe as a major coup as it makes a strong bid to dominate the telecommunications industry of the growing city of Cebu.

Polly Nazareno, PLDT president, is set to fly to Cebu today to meet the bigwigs of Cebu business. Polly’s presence affirms PLDT’s commitment to pouring the necessary infrastructure needed to meet the telecommunication demands of Cebu.

On the same day, PLDT’s assault against the competition intensifies when it launches InnoLab – short for Innovation Laboratory. A multi-million peso research and development (R and D) facility only PLDT has. Innolab will allow PLDT’s corporate clients in Cebu to view in real time actual demonstrations of the various hi-tech business solutions the company has to offer.

According to PLDT media head Butch Jimenez, while their competitors show brochures, Innolab has the capability to run actual simulations of the real thing.

It’s nice to know PLDT has started to concentrate on major cities outside of Manila. Cebu has what it takes to be as progressive as Singapore. But no city can develop without first-class telecommunications facilities. The transmission of information is today a key factor to urban growth and development. Without it, a city stagnates. Let’s hope PLDT doesn’t stop at Cebu. It has to replicate its efforts in Cebu to every city in the archipelago.

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