Most Googled product, service around the globe in one map

The map showing the most googled product around the globe was made by using the autocomplete formula - "How much does * cost in [x country]." 

MANILA, Philippines - Most people nowadays go to the Google search engine whenever they are looking for something that would be of their interest.

Earlier this year, made a map of  the most Googled cost obsession in the globe. The inforgraphic used the Google's autocomplete formula - "How much does * cost in [x country]."  The study discovered mundane and bizarre country-level trends.

Some results generated include, "how much does a prostitute cost in Brazil," how much does invitrofertilization cost in Australia," and "how much does a nose job cost in Albania."

Meanwhile, most people search for "retirement" in the Philippines.

Forbes magazine recently published an article about "The 7 Best Places To Retire Around The World" and named Dumaguete, at the 5th spot. According to the Retire Overseas Index, Dumaguete is among the cheapest places in the world to live in.


Check out the other trends here:



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