Egypt's interim PM seeks to end division

CAIRO (Xinhua) - Egyptian interim Prime Minister Hazem al-Beblawi called on national reconciliation in his first interview on the state TV on Saturday evening, saying "It's time for agreement and consensus as the country is divided."

Beblawi said that the country is undergoing a stage of fighting and confrontation following the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, noting that reconciliation and agreement is a must for the current stage.

"There should be no room for revenge or alienation," he said, adding that all Egyptians should resort to reconciliation.

"We are in a stage that is like a war for boosting economy, restoring security and moving forward," said the interim prime minister.

The statements of Beblawi came amid a continuous sit-in and protests nationwide by supporters of Morsi, demanding his return and referring to his removal as "a military coup."

With regards to the recent formation of the transitional government, Beblawi said that it was based on the criteria of efficiency and credibility.  


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