Iranian lawmaker says non-regional forces in Persian Gulf undermine regional security

TEHRAN (Xinhua) - Iranian lawmaker Ahmad Shohani said the presence of non-regional forces in the Persian Gulf undermines the regional security, Press TV reported Saturday.

Shohani, member of Iran's Majlis (parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, criticized some Persian Gulf littoral states for resorting to Western military forces to maintain their security.

"Iran calls for non-regional naval forces to leave the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman soon," Shohani added.

Noting that the Islamic republic has exhibited its prowess in the international waters in recent years, he implied that Iran can be a partner of regional states for maintaining security.

Iran's naval might in the international waters is not against the interests of any country, Shohani was quoted as saying.

Officials of the Islamic republic have, now and then, expressed their opposition to the presence of Western forces in the region and said that their military presence is the root cause of instability and insecurity in the region.  

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