DILG-6 reminds bets: Declare contributions, expenses for brgy polls

CEBU, Philippines - Barangay election candidates, both winners and losers, must submit before Nov. 28 their statement of contributions and expenditures (SCEs) to the Comelec officer where they filed their certificates of candidacy.

DILG-6 regional director Evelyn Trompeta issued this reminder recently for those seeking elective posts in the barangay. "It should be true and itemized statement of all contributions and expenditures in connection with the Oct. 28 elections," she said.

Trompeta said failure to file the SCEs shall constitute an administrative offense for which the offenders shall be liable to pay an administrative fine and other sanction.

"If ever they win, it could also affect their proclamation. They could not assume office as long as they have no certificates, which indicate that they have already filed their statement. So better comply with the said obligation," she added.

Trompeta further reminded candidates to remain non-partisan or not connected to any political parties. "They should remain apolitical and run independently," she said.

During election period, Trompeta said the DILG will act as watchdogs of all the barangays to see to it that they are complying with the circulars issued by the Comelec. "Candidates should observe the Comelec rules so that there is no disqualification," she said.



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