
UNCALLED FOR. A tourist from Luzon said it was uncalled for to boo a vice president. But he said that Vice President Jejomar Binay was to blame for using the grandstand at the Cebu City Sports Complex for his political gimmick during the 2016 Sinulog celebration.


BLAME. Some groups blamed Mayor Michael Rama for allowing Binay on the stage to greet the parade spectators inside the sports center. The Ear informer said: “He knows that it’s election time. Rama’s favor to Binay as his favorite presidential candidate earns negative impact. Maay ra.”


FINGER-POINTING. A rumor spread that Liberal Party officials in Cebu bought several Sinulog tickets with the aim to humiliate Binay at the sports center. The Ear reader said: “Wala pa nila ipaila ug pasak-a sa grandstand aron patas ang treatment sa Sinulog Foundation, ila pa gyung pasanginlan.”

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