Oscars at the SONA?

In his sixth and last State of the Nation Address  last July 27, 2015, President Benigno Simeon "Noynoy" Aquino III reported to his "bosses" what he had accomplished that brought our country forward. This included what he would be doing for the remaining months of his 6-year term. There were issues that were either overemphasized, mentioned in passing or none at all. This is clearly to the disappointment of some sectors. But interestingly there was also a sideline that grabbed our attention. 

Lawmakers paraded in their designer gowns in the red carpet of the halls of congress and posed before mediamen. With flashes from cameras, they enjoyed the admiration of the select media. Yes, this is the Oscar-like scenario every year when SONA comes. And every year also both lawmakers and spectators would look forward to this part of the entire SONA event.

And as expected, there are people who are opposed to this kind of spectacle. One was Senator Miriam Santiago when she commented that "It should not be treated as Oscar night in Hollywood, with a red carpet, where peacocks spread their tails and turn around and around, as coached by media in a feeding frenzy." She expressed that SONA should not be used as an event to showcase and endorse the works of the country's top designers.

A random survey of viewers of The Filipino Channel's daily newscast Balitang America: "Are you comfortable watching Philippine lawmakers dressed for the red carpet when attending the president's State of the Nation Address?" A majority of the viewers who voted (67 percent) said NO. Some said it is a shame that Philippine lawmakers are comfortable to dress in such extravagant clothes, while their fellow countrymen work like slaves. There is inadequate provision for food, shelter, and other necessities that should have been provided by the government! Because here come our lawmakers who can also afford, of course from the government's coffer, to have "merienda" worth 2.5 million pesos!

In today's generation, many got apathetic and indifferent. Instead of focusing on PNoy's progress report, they tend to show interest on the Batasan catwalk.

A report from ABS-CBN said that fascination for SONA red carpet has started on president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's term as the Filipinos are eager to see how a woman will project and conduct herself during this kind of momentous event for the country.

For the past years, the red carpet fashion makes rounds online as politicians with their partners, celebrities and their guests donning for the best outfit.

Back to Senator Santiago, in 2013 when she proposed a Senate resolution prescribing an official uniform for lawmakers to wear during official national events like the SONA. It is still pending at the Senate Committee on Rules chaired by Senator Alan Peter Cayetano. Years have passed and by the look of it fellow lawmakers seem uninterested of the proposal. And why not? They enjoy the glitz and glamour.

In the last SONA, a saving grace-one lawmaker did not walk in the red carpet. She opted to pass through the backdoor. This lawmaker, from the start is clear in her mind the very essence and intention of the event.  I also commend other few lawmakers, who through their wardrobes, project their disappointments and criticisms on prevailing social issues like poverty, pork barrel scam, human rights violations, K-12, and a lot equally pressing issues.

We are and should be proud of our quality local fabrics as well as our talented designers for some of whom are world-class. But the SONA event should not be the proper venue to showcase their creations. This kind of pageantry should not grab the focus away from the real essence of having the SONA.

Let us keep our focus, be critical on what is really the truth of the main agendum of the speech that lasted for 2 hours and 13 minutes.  The core of the president's report lies on the truthfulness of whether the state of the nation mirrors the true plight of our people.




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