If the MILF is our friend, then we don't have enemies

If the MILF is our friend, then why were 44 of our finest men massacred mercilessly in their territory? If they are our allies, then why was the carnage being justified by the so-called tactical error in supposedly failing to coordinate with the MILF? Were those police forces considered aliens in our own national territory? Why are our own policemen required to clear it first with rebel forces before being allowed to perform an official function? Has our government already surrendered jurisdiction over our own land? My little knowledge of constitutional law tells me that sovereignty is indivisible and non-negotiable. It is an essential element of the State.

This government has signed, over the objections of many learned and well-meaning Filipinos, an agreement with these rebels. In political law, such a gesture is tantamount to granting these rebel forces a belligerent status. Two erudite former Associate Justices of the Supreme Court have issued legal opinions that the agreement suffers from serious constitutional and legal flaws. But the president has defied all contrary opinions. In his determined effort to make a name in history, or even get a Nobel Prize, he might be unwittingly leading to a culpable violation of the Constitution. With due respect, that could be a ground for impeachment.

That tragic massacre of our men inside their controlled area could have been a vital sign from above that this group is unworthy of being a partner or an ally. We have been spoiling these people for the longest time. And they represent only a small fraction. They don't carry the voice of the MNLF, the BMFF, the Abu Sayyaf, the Jima Islamiya, and all others. Our earnest efforts to forge an agreement with rebels (who represent only a small faction of so many rebel groups) at all cost, are being misunderstood as a sign of weakness. The benevolence of our government is being perceived as a mark of our lack of political will. But we have crossed our Rubicon. There is no more turning back. Napasubo na tayo, ika nga.

Negotiating a final agreement with these rebels and holding talks in Malaysia is another tactical error in law and procedure. Why are we allowing another government to interfere with our internal affairs under the guise of a non-partisan mediator? Given the unfortunate historical break-up in diplomatic relations between that country and the Philippines, owing to the Sabah issue, could we really trust Malaysia to be an objective umpire in our conflicts with rebels? Malaysia has an ax to grind against our government. It is even possible that its presence in the bargaining table has given the MILF a stronger bargaining position.

If the MILF is our friend, then the MNLF is also our friend, then we have no more enemies? If we sign a final contract with one rebel force, then there is no stopping us from signing all sorts covenants with all factions. The bottomline however is this: Can a piece of paper stop all the bloodshed, all the carnages and all the massacres? We were not born yesterday. We should know better.

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