The Purisima paradox and all the president's men

It can be said, albeit with some measure of trepidation, that one of the strongest points going for President Noy is his abiding loyalty to his men and women, his inner circle if you wish. But this strength can also prove to be his weakness. No matter how the press has practically declared Purisima, virtually guilty of the many charges thrown to him, regardless of Purisima's dismal performance before the Senate inquiry in the face of the merciless grilling of Senator Serge Osmeña and Senator Grace Poe, and notwithstanding the many cases filed against Purisima before the Ombudsman, the president never blinks. He continues to stand by his man and all the president's men who are seemingly giving him headaches.

I have been following closely this Purisima affair and I am familiar with San Leonardo. I always go there because my wife comes from that pretty little town, tucked in between Gapan City and Cabanatuan City, just immediately before Santa Rosa and directly opposite Jaen and in front of General Tinio. I know the strories but I shall not dare to tell them all. I would rather let the fact enfold in the proper forum. What interests me more is the unqualified loyalty and trust that the president has reposed on Allan Purisima despite all these ''slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes.'' Until when should and would the president stand by his man? Until when should the president allow these men to bring his approval rating down?

It is not just Purisima, however. It is also true with the president's treatment of Secretaries Florencio Abad, Jericko Petilla, Proceso Alcala, Joseph Abaya, Dinky Soliman and even of Secretary Mar Roxas.  Butch Abad is the most brilliant political strategist of the Liberal Party. But not only that, he is the husband of Congresswoman Abad of the tiny province of Batanes (population, merely less than one half of the population of Argao, Cebu) and he is the father of Julia Abad, the Palace chief of staff. Butch Abad is a loyal Liberal. Regardless of the many issues against him, the president has remained loyal to Abad and has never been coy about such loyalty. Abad has no big slice of electorate behind him. But he holds the strategies.

But Jericko Petilla controls the Waray votes which used to be in the hands of the Romualdezes. The great Imeldific has migrated to Ilocos as its representative along with Congressman Rudy Farinas of the other district. Petilla's brother is the sitting governor and his mother is the mayor of Palo. All the major towns and districts are being controlled by Petilla's close relatives, except Ormoc, which is in the hands of allies. Proceso Alcala, the Party's treasurer belongs to the family that is very strong in the vote-rich province of Quezon. Abaya, along with Ayong Malixi and Ping Lacson are the president's men in the big, big voting populace that is Cavite, controlled by the Remullas and the Revillas.

The president is loyal to Mar Roxas because Secretary Mar made a monumental sacrifice in giving way to Noy in 2010. And also to Dinky Soliman because Dinky led the infamous Hyatt 10 that ''betrayed'' their boss PGMA and started the collapse of the Gloria empire. We can explain all these loyalites and ''utang na loob,'' except the Purisima paradox. What has Purisima done to merit such measure of confidence by the chief? His being a member of president Cory's security group was just a career movement. Nothing personal. The conclusion is: There is something very draconian, something very vital that we all do not know. And until we shall unveil it and decipher it, all speculations may unfold. Abangan.


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