The simple laws

Authorities tend to forget, or just don't care to enforce the simpler laws of society. They go after murder, plunder, graft and corruption which are all well and good, but the simpler laws and ordinances must be enforced as well. One of these laws is the Nuisance Law, which defines nuisance as any act, omission, establishment, business, condition of property or anything else which injures or endangers the health or safety of others, annoys or offends the senses, shocks, defies or disregards decency or morality, obstructs or interferes with the free passage of any public highway or street, or hinders with the use of property. The most common offense in Metro Manila would be the annoying or offending of the senses in the form of loud karaoke singing.

Just recently, a barangay volunteer was shot dead by his neighbor and fellow volunteer after he complained of the latter's loud karaoke session. He was shot three times while sleeping after complaining of the nuisance. This not the first time this has happened, but authorities, particularly on the barangay level just do not enforce the said law. Karaoke singing has become part of Filipino culture, but there has to be a right time and place for it. It is not a question of good singing or not, but of respecting the rights of the majority to enjoy a restful, peaceful night. If I'm not mistaken, there is a cut-off time of ten in the evening where loud public music or singing is no longer allowed, especially in residential areas. But because authorities do not enforce these simple laws or ordinances, they often end in much bigger crimes such as murder.

Another would be loud motorcycles. I know an ordinance has been passed forbidding the use of loud, noisy exhaust systems on both public and private motorcycles. But still we are tormented by these ear-splitting exhaust systems that could wake up the dead. Riders claim that the reason behind the noise is for them to be noticed by other motorists on the road, who often do not see them passing by. That's absolute nonsense. If that were the case, then all cars should have noisy mufflers as well so they would be noticed by large buses and trucks.

Then there are the traffic signs all over the metropolis. I wonder how much the MMDA spends on these traffic signs that many do not follow, because they are not enforced? Signs like "one way", "do not enter", "no parking", "no loading and unloading", "no jaywalking" and "no counterflow" to mention a few that are totally ignored, even in the presence of law enforcers. What's the use of the signs if they are not even followed nor enforced? Are they merely suggestions? We all know that road rage happens because these very signs are not followed, leading to violent confrontation among motorists. A case of breaking the simplest of laws that lead to the gravest of crimes.

Laws and ordinances have to be enforced, no matter how simple or mundane. They define society and ensure the rights of the ordinary citizen. They protect everybody.

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