EDITORIAL - A grave concern

It is disheartening to note that majority of illegal drug cases tried in Cebu courts ended up being dismissed. One of the reasons, according to a recent study, is the lack of witnesses to bolster the cases against those drug peddlers.

This is truly a grave concern that authorities should immediately look into. That is because failure to solve this problem would only mean the battle against illegal drugs will never be won.

We all know that a weak case will only help those involved in drugs escape conviction. And it would even make them bolder because, in the absence of witnesses and evidence, it is easy to avoid jail term once caught.  

This problem really makes it harder for authorities to eliminate the enemy once and for all. Besides, it would only embolden drug dealers to step up their trade knowing that many are afraid to testify against them.

During a meeting last week, the Cebu Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council reported that, because of fear, many barangay officials have refused to stand as witnesses in court in drug cases.

This concern, according to CPADAC executive director Joey Herrera, will be the main agenda during the assembly of the Liga ng mga Barangay on July 17 so village officials will know their role under the law.

Having barangay leaders actively cooperate in legal proceedings for speedy resolution of cases involving illegal drugs should be a main consideration if we wanted to wage a sustained drive against those pushers and dealers

The government should see to it that grassroots participation in the campaign must include strong involvement of those behind the smallest form of government, which is the barangay.

Just like the ordinary witnesses, the lives of barangay leaders are also in grave danger once they testify in drug cases. However, the campaign would only be meaningless without them setting as example and leading the crusade.

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