Jail all plunderers, free all political prisoners

All political prisoners should be freed. All plunderers should go to jail.

There are 489 political prisoners in the country today. They were imprisoned because of their unwavering search for new avenues and alternative ideas for social change and development. The government considered them dangerously inimical to the current order and opposed to the interests of the class beneficiaries of this corrupt social system, thus,in Noynoy Aquino's view they must be silenced.

The Aquino government uses hideous actions to suppress liberal and progressive ideas and incarcerate those who espouse it.

The real enemies of the people are the plunderers of the nation's wealth, and the worst of human rights violators. They should be the ones held in jail instead of the political prisoners who are the true servants of the people.

Political prisoners have issued statements lambasting the Aquino government's selective prosecution of oppositionist politicians allegedly involved in the pork scam while leaving his allies free of any charges. They voiced their call to all those who are involved in plunder and corruption to be held accountable.

Convicted political prisoners at the New Bilibid Prisons urged the Filipino to people to continue with protests against plunderers and butchers as a way to hold them accountable, and to pursue genuine freedom and peace.

"Mas dapat paigtingin ng pinagsasamantalahan at inaaping mamamayan ang kanila mismong pang-uusig sa mga pusakal na kriminal na mandarambong sa kabang yaman ng bansa at may utang na dugo sa taumbayan, sa pamamagitan ng mas pinag-ibayong iba't ibang porma ng paglaban. Ito lamang ang magtitiyak sa paglalapat ng tunay na hustisya, katarungan,kalayaan at pangmatagalang kapayapaaan sa bansa (The oppressed and exploited people should heighten their actions in holding the plunderers, and those who have blood debts against the people accountable for their crimes, through different forms of struggle. This is the only way to ensure that justice will be served, and there will be genuine freedom and peace in the country)," they said.

Families of desaparecidos also remembered June 26, the 8th year since UP students Karen Empeño and Sherlyn, along with farmer Manuel Merino, were abducted by military elements in Hagonoy, Bulacan. Five others were abducted on the same day in Camarines Norte, namely Prudencio Calubid, Celina Palma, Gloria Soco and Ariel Beloy.




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