Bohol's restoration

Bohol - Grief and mourning still continue in this province. The lives lost and the number of those killed and injured by the earthquakes continue to be reported. The devastation and ruin remain as grim reminders of nature's wrath. The rubble and devastation pose serious challenge for Bohol's restoration.

This province has been blessed with so many resources. The grand churches built centuries back provide clear testimony about the ample supply of resources to support not only the Boholanos but foreign colonizers who conscripted and forced the locals to build the grand churches, now either in rubble or partially destroyed.

Bohol's beautiful, natural resources, Chocolate Hills, the beautiful beaches, the rare tarsius and more attracted visitors from far and near. The rich fertile soil and marine-rich seas provided the ordinary Boholano with his daily food supply. Even Filipinos from outside of Bohol have come to claim many lands and resources of Bohol as their own.

Gratefully, these rich waters and lands are still available despite the quakes. Bohol also, most importantly, has the Boholanos, the finest and most valuable treasure of this province. United, the Boholanos will rebuild Bohol as quickly but as firmly as possible, in time. In God's own time and with God's grace.

Gratefully, Bohol is also blessed to have so many sincere kababayans in Cebu and other areas of and even outside the Philippines who continue to share their generosity, concern and comfort. There are the foreign residents in Bohol and abroad who have also provided their genuine concern for Bohol.

There are so many blessings despite the quakes, so much good springing up from the ruins, so much to thank for, despite the grief and deaths and destruction.

Bohol's restoration, without doubt, will take place in time. Sincere and genuine Filipinos in and out of Bohol will ensure the rebuilding of resource-rich Bohol.

The rubble and the ruins and the quake have exposed as well the ugly face of abusive and power- driven local politicians who will not spare any opportunity to promote their selfish agenda through control of relief goods and disaster management. These politicians know that they have been installed in power through vote buying, intimidation, among other unacceptable ways.

Bohol's restoration must include the end of patronage politics. May the Boholanos remember to boot out of power these abusive local officials who channel help only to their supporters, especially during disasters. May the Boholanos also never again allow their votes to be bought.

May God show His divine justice soon to the abusive politicians and may curse, and yes, even gaba be with these corrupt soonest! May their evil practices also be exposed and investigated soon and human justice rendered to them as well as their national counterparts and padrinos! The present disaster that seriously affected Bohol and Cebu should not detract the rest of the Filipinos from being vigilant vs. corruption, vs. abuse, vs. pork barrel!

Faith and unity should restore the good, the beautiful and the honesty and dignity of our people and our provinces.

Bohol's restoration should allow the world to see the courageous, the noble and dignified people and the rich ample natural resources of Bohol.  Padayon, bangon Bohol.

Our nation should also not rest and remain vigilant and united in fighting for the genuine restoration of an honest, public-service oriented and participatory governance system in our land. Bangon, Pilipinas!


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