Pedro Clavano St., Cebu City

Pedro Clavano St. is the street from corner N. Escario St., Capitol Site up to Beverly Hills, Cebu City, until it reaches the intersection where the road to OPRRA begins. The Cebu City Council on May 3, 1985 on motion of Councilor Franklin R. Seno enacted Ordinance No. 1195 named a street in honor of a worthy son of Cebu who served his people with integrity and dedication but without fanfare.

Pedro, born on January 31, 1907 in Cebu City, reached the peak of his political career when he was Acting Mayor of Cebu City in 1955, appointed by then President Ramon Magsaysay. This was from November 17, 1955 to December 30, 1955. He was then subsequently elected Cebu City Councilor in 1956 and was chosen “Councilor of the Year.”

As public servant, he was responsible for the following projects:

1. The construction of barrio feeder roads in Napo-Guadalupe and Talamban-Budlaan;

2.  Securing P100,000 from then President Magsaysay for a contingent fund to the fire victims of the Ramos conflagration in 1956;

3. The development and construction of the Busay Water System which extends towards Lahug;

4. The asphalting of Lorega Street and many other streets in city and the construction of the footbridge at the back of Zapatera Elementary School near the old railway tracks;

5. The construction of Liberty Wells at Talamban, Banilad, Tisa, and Pardo,

Pedro succeeded Jose V. Rodriguez who served as Cebu City Mayor from December 7, 1953 to November 16, 1955. He was succeeded by Sergio Osmeña Jr. who won in the election on November 1955, making the latter the first elected Mayor of Cebu City.

Pedro received an AWARD OF MERIT from the City Hall Press Club and the City Legislative Press Association during his term as City Councilor.

The ordinance naming the street in honor of Pedro Clavano was approved during the term of Mayor Ronald R. Duterte, his Senior Executive Assistant then was Pablo S. Tinga. The Presiding Officer of the Council then was Vicente A. Kintanar, Jr.

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