Not a leader to be proud of

Just as he has previously done in several formal occasions, President Aquino again scolded the people before whom he was respectfully and graciously invited as guest of honor and speaker. This time, the occasion was the 50th anniversary of the National Irrigation Administration.

Honesty and candor may be virtues, it is true. But even virtues are not licenses for rudeness and lack of manners. Even if the NIA failed in its mandate to provide as much irrigation services as there are farmers that need them, there are other ways and other occasions for Aquino to show his displeasure and disapproval.

Aquino cannot pretend to be a person who simply had to be honest with his feelings. For if he is truly an honest person, he could have promptly summoned the NIA administrator to Malacanang the moment he learned of the NIA's dismal performance and there give him the tongue-lashing he deserves.

I do not think Aquino only learned of NIA's dismal performance right there while he was standing to deliver his speech during the agency's anniversary. As the hands-on president that he likes to project himself to be, it has to be presumed he was aware of NIA's poor performance way way ahead of his speech.

That he chose to scold everyone during their anniversary shows that Aquino deliberately planned to ruin the happy mood at the NIA anniversary, which was no ordinary occasion by the way but a celebration of 50 years of existence.

And that only proves what many people suspect about their president -- that there is something wrong with him. A level-headed person would have held back his anger or displeasure in deference to the occasion. A truly honest person would have known honesty is neither enhanced nor diminished by time.

Aquino could have done his scolding before or after the occasion. A man with manners and a sense of propriety would have realized what a 50th anniversary means to the people celebrating it and would have acted appropriately. Only a rude, uncouth and dark-hearted man would deliberately choose to ruin everyone's party.

And for what? To show that he is president? That he is so powerful nobody would dare stop him even if he messes up their occasion? Well, Aquino blew it because nothing could be more unpresidential than what he did. By his own act, Aquino just proved to the world what a bad leader he is.

It never occurred to Aquino that even if the NIA presumably did not meet his expectations, the fact that it was celebrating its 50th anniversary proves that it is not an entirely worthless agency. For certainly, nothing could last as long as half a century if it has not contributed even just a little to society.

And that is precisely why the NIA was celebrating, and was confident enough to invite their president to join in their celebration. But as it turned out, what a big mistake that turned out to be. Instead of having their president, their leader and their father for lunch, guess who showed up but an ogre.

When power starts to gnaw at the brain, the first thing a man loses is the ability to make distinctions between his person and the office he holds. When the NIA invited Aquino, it was for the honor of having the president in their midst. If there was a choice, why would anyone invite somebody bald with yellow teeth.

Aquino should know that he is being accorded deferential treatment only on account of his being the president. Had Aquino been otherwise, he would be having only his cigarettes to keep him lonely company. But he is president, hence the honor of his presence. He should learn to reciprocate and give value to that honor.

The problem is that, despite the unsavory reputation of this president, agencies, groups and other organizations in and out of government will find themselves with no choice but to take risks when inviting him because, again, a presidential presence will always add immeasurable lustre to an occasion.

A true leader will take a fall even for the lowliest follower. Such is the measure by which this president cannot ever hope to pass. There is no leadership in shaming your men in front of everybody. Such perverse pleasure excites only the weak and cowardly.







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