Happy Earth Day 2013!

If you wish to be among those who want to show appreciation and gratitude to Mother Earth by joining all others who wish to continue to protect and preserve Mother Nature, remember these important dates and pass them on to all your family members, relatives, neighbors, schoolmates, officemates, church members and all else!

April 21: Join the bike and board GREEN LUNGS Tour! Start your day early, register at 5:30 at West Gorordo Hotel and have fun with your bikes and boards and be one of those who will go home healthier and happier. Prizes await some registered bikers, too!

April 22: Care to learn and do yoga or take a healthy lunch? Visit West Gorordo Hotel again for more Earth Day activities that start from 7:30 in the morning till afternoon. Other activities for that day include Green Festival Workshops, Natural Farming Techniques with natural farming guru Roberto “Bob” Bajenting of the Cebu Coalition for Food Security, and, Container Gardening with young eco-advocates Fiona, Francis and Eric of the Youth for Livable Cebu.

Learn about paper briquette and rocket stove, vegetable food preparation, and recycled crafting, as well. Or you may just want to relax and enjoy watching films that remind all about the beauty and benefits of having, of promoting green all over.

For more information, please contact Joel Lee at the West Gorordo Hotel.

Watch out too for other Earth Day activities sponsored by other groups. Come and be counted among those who took time to pause, time to appreciate and return one's gratitude to Mother Earth that continue to support life for all, despite what greed and abuse have done to destroy much of our environment.

The Green Activities organized by the Green Festival for Earth Day 2013 are simple and fun. Yet these carry serious messages, serious reminders for us all about how to relate, how to continue sustainable partnership with Mother Earth in inexpensive, participatory and fun ways.

The GREEN LUNGS activity, for example, reminds us about how so-called progress and technology have so removed us from appreciating what we have - our feet to walk the earth or to pedal through the streets.

Bike and boards also remind us that there are friendly, inexpensive yet healthy alternatives to travel. Why build expensive roads and infrastructures for vehicles and other transport that emit smoke and gases that destroy our lungs and the whole world as well? There is so much campaign against smoking. Why not a campaign vs. vehicles that emit smoke and toxic gases into the air and cause so much damage to people and to our earth?

Bob Bajenting's campaign to return to natural farming is a laudable activity to remind everyone that natural food is good and healthy for both people and for our environment. Having everyone do easy natural farming and container gardening also assures food security for households and our nation. Bob has assisted many farmers to raise pigs that are so contented with their natural food (leaves and vegetables) and fermented drink, neighbors do not even realize they have pigs in the neighborhood because Bob's method results in healthy, quiet, contented huge pigs and no smell even because of the carpet of saw dust that catch the pigs' waste and which can also be recycled later for further productive use.

Enjoy learning and having fun during this year's Earth Day! And the beautiful part is, at the end of the day, you are much happier and healthier because you have shared your time and precious attention and gratitude back to Mother Earth and God.


Email: cherry_thefreeman@yahoo.com

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