On being gay

I feel compelled to make a preface before saying something about “being gay”: I have nothing against gays and I accept them for who they are. Being gay is not a disease.

I know fully well that homosexuality is a very sensitive issue. One wrong term and maybe gays will bash me to death or cut my hair the wrong way.

No, I have nothing against gay hairdressers or against any gay or any hairdresser for that matter. I also do not say that hairdressers are gay or gays are hairdressers.

I'm not being sarcastic. I just want to illustrate that it's hard to be specific all the time and we can't expect others to do that at all times. There's a problem when we read between the lines too much and see something that is not there.

In Christine Babao's article “Being Gay”, she has made it clear: “That gayness is not a plague. That if one of our sons turns out to be gay, we were unanimous in saying that “We shall accept and love our sons just the same, just as much.”

She also said: “Now, if you ask me - what if my son grows up to be gay? I will not encourage. But will I accept? A mother will always accept her child. A mom may not agree with all of her child's choices or preferences, but in the end, being a kind human being is more important than what your gender is.”

If your father or mother doesn't encourage you to be gay but accepts and loves you in all your gayness, red lipstick and all, please give it to them their view in life.

If parents understand you for being gay, please give them the same understanding of where they're coming from. Their beliefs may be different from yours.

For her “controversial” article, Christine Babao has been bashed in the social network as homophobic, called ugly names, and condemned.

The psychologist she had interviewed for the article has suffered even worse. The good doctor's take on the issue of homosexuality was a different matter. To netizens, it was plainly “bigoted”.

I don't want to say anything more on being gay as my concern is more on respect and tolerance for others' beliefs and orientations.

I have high regard for gay people. Without them, our world isn't as colorful, artistic, fashionable, beautiful, exciting, alive, human, dramatic, fun.

Barbie dolls, flower dresses, and makeup kits for little boys? Let's leave the parenting style to the parents.

If your father doesn't encourage you to be gay and join beauty pageants but comes to your rescue and stands up for you against hecklers in the street, please do not take it against your old man if he never watches and supports you prancing in your bikini on stage.

Your robe, your gown, your crown, the acceptance, maybe that's your glory; to your old man, it's simply the fact that you are happy. Never mind if he doesn't encourage you to be gay. No pun intended.

What matters most is that despite the different orientations and beliefs, your parents accept you and love you “just the same, just as much.” I hope we can all do that to those who do not share our views.

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