When does human life really begin?

Most of the scientists and lawmakers agree that human life begins with pregnancy. But when does pregnancy begin? Again, most of the scientists and lawmakers describe pregnancy as the process of growth of the new human being from fertilization to birth. Genetic Science has demonstrated it. Now that the identification of the genetic code of human genes or human genome has been achieved, you can identify a living human being from the moment of fecundation or conception.

Nonetheless, since four decades ago, other people  say that the fruit of conception should be “viable”, and they interpret  that  pregnancy  should be considered only from the moment of implantation of the embryo in the uterus up to birth. In what grounds do they claim that? What reason makes an embryo before implantation “less human”? Doesn’t it have human life? Does it have all the genetic information of an adult human being? To base the beginning of human life in “viability” is not supported on the sure ground of genetics but on the slippery ground of statistics, which are easily manipulated. History shows that this “scientific” opinion of “viability” has led to a legal criminal error. In many places, the human lives protected by law are not all, which begin in conception, but only the ones “viable” after implantation. It reminds us of the “laws” in Hitler’s dictatorship which declared the Jewish people “less than human” or “not viable”, and they massacred them.

To know what is the true beginning of human life is very important as regards contraceptives. Life begins in conception, and many of the contraceptive drugs and devices act after the fetus is conceived, hindering its implantation in the womb. Intra Uterine Devices (IUD) expels the embryo from the womb, which is made “inhospitable for viability” in a mechanical way. Most of the contraceptive pills produce a similar action in a chemical way. Many contraceptive pills & devices do result to abortion! If, as some claim, life begins after the implantation, then, contraceptives simply act against the fetus before implantation. It is not an abortion! – They parrot, because it is not yet human. We find this way of thinking in civilized societies, written in books of Medicine, enacted in laws … Why? Some may say that this is normal in a pluralistic society. Pluralism about matters of opinion is ok, but about these basic truths? It is to legalize crime!  Let us go to the root of this deadly confusion.

The World Health Organization started to consider, 40 years ago, that pregnancy would begin with implantation, not with the fecundation of the ovum by the sperm. Why did WHO changed the traditional definition of pregnancy, as well as the beginning of human life? WHO based this arbitrary change in the corresponding new definition of pregnancy made by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 1972.  They did it based simply on “viability”.  Also the International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics accepted this definition. People responsible for WHO adopted this definition arbitrarily, taking a part as the whole, a half-truth as a truth. The scientific consensus which WHO claimed to have is more than dubious.  The great majority of the health workers agree that human life in the womb of the mother has a continuous process, and “its beginning can only be found in the fecundation, in the very moment of conception, because, scientifically,  in any other moment we only see development of what began human in conception.” From the moment of conception we see a new human being different from the father and the mother, with unity in it, just growing.

The peddlers of the RH Law capitalize on “implantation” and on international laws. The sour fruits in the USA after 40 years are 55 million abortions. It all began with an RH Law.  It is an evil law. pedrvega@gmail.com

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