Don’t blame the Church for fighting back!

Summer time starts in a few days and Straight from the Sky brings you a special summer presentation at the Palm Beach Resort & Spa in Punta Engaño Road in Mactan, just a few hundred meters from the Shangri-La Resort & Spa.

The Palm Beach Resort is not a huge resort as they only have 56 rooms, it has complete amenities, like an infinity pool, a Dive Shop, a Children’s playroom, a Spa, Watersports, a gift shop, an underground basement parking and yes a beautiful Catholic Chapel, Wi-Fi in the rooms and cable TV.

Best of all, it is owned by Filipinos… notably the family of Mr. Rolly & Margie Nonato, who are members of the Bukas Loob sa Diyos (BLD), hence it wasn’t surprising that they personally supervised the making of the Chapel. I salute the Nonato family for investing in Cebu’s Tourism industry. To tell us what the Palm Beach Resort & Spa has to offer, we have with us, Atty. Regina Nonato, CEO of the resort. So watch our first Summer Presentation in Straight from the Sky on SkyCable’s channel 61 at 8:00pm tonight and replays in MyTV channel 30 on M-W-F.

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Didn’t we tell you that what happened in the Archdiocese of Bacolod that came up with a tarpaulin naming Team Patay vs Team Buhay has become viral in the social networking scene and has now become a byword? People when they meet with each other no longer ask if they are voting for Team PNoy, but rather whether they are for Team Patay or Team Buhay.

Malacañang is sore at this development and has urged the Church to refrain from this kind of publicity. But then, should we blame the Catholic Church if they want pro-life candidates to win in the 2013 elections? Why should Pres. PNoy be scared? He has the SWS or Pulse Asia on his side… he has the Comelec on his side and they are going to use the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) even without a source code, which is a violation of Comelec laws? But in the world of  Daang Matuwid… they are the law!

I just got word that some 7 Dioceses all over the country are joining this slogan of Team Patay vs Team Buhay and please don’t give me that BS about the separation of church and state when the church teachings have been set aside when the President “forced” the approval of the RH Bill, even to the point of sequestering those anti-RH Congressmen so they could not vote. Call it the dirtiest of tricks… but this is what the Liberal Party (LP) has done in, which is why the RH bill is now the RH Law. So should we blame the Catholic Church if it is calling the Laity to fight back against anti-life congressmen and senatoriables? Remember the next fight is divorce!

In fact to add teeth to that campaign, last week the officers and members of the Council of the Laity, Catholic Charismatic Communities of Cebu and Pro-Life Group, in an act of solidarity with the Catholic Church, issued a call for unity and vigilance. Let me reprint parts of this manifesto.

“We, the Lay leaders in the Archdiocese of Cebu, see the prevailing “Anti-Life Issues” in our country today as most threatening to our civil society, most corrupting to our youth and most damaging to our families. Now, we, more than ever, as baptized Christians, desiring to actively participate in the life and mission of the Church, feel it our great responsibility to unite ourselves, organize and spearhead a movement to address these anti-life issues with the guidance, full backing and collaboration of our dear Archbishop, auxiliary bishops, priests and religious.

We cannot sit idly by. Vatican II and PCP II urge us. We need our priests to inculcate into our hearts the values of our Christian identity and dignity, so that understanding what lay empowerment truly means, we will be able to stand up and unite for the truth and defend our faith and help build a strong communion of life, love and truth.

And we ask our dear priests, duty bound as they are, to help us, form and transform us, so that we will attain a faith that is alive, manifest and active. This is what we need to become a cohesive force that even our politicians and government leaders will listen to! We are the discerning Catholic lay and we are the majority of the Filipino people.

If we cannot unite ourselves in the next few days, we are bound to commit the same mistake of putting into office lawmakers who will destroy our faith and families. If we do not move now, we will contribute to the degeneration of our future human race. A little push and sacrifice now could mean saving our nation and our future generation. May the Holy Spirit enlighten our mind and give us the gift of fortitude to stand for God! Mary, our Lady of Guadalupe and San Pedro Calungsod, intercede for us!” This call for unity is signed by the Charismatic communities in Cebu. With the divorce bill on the table, please don’t blame the Catholic Church for fighting back at the Aquino regime!

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