Standing room only in a European cemetery

 It says here that many Phl cemeteries are now filled up and have to be expanded to accommodate late comers. Even among the dead, the policy is the same as that for the living: first come, first served.


 I have written about this before ... There is a place in Europe where the cemeteries are already filled up and the living are forced to bury their dead standing up. The cemetery administrators can allow late comers but on a standing room only basis.


 Also in Europe, there was a small town where the lone cemetery was already so fully occupied that the town chief had to pass an edict (in our place that’s called executive order) ordering residents not to die yet while there was still no vacancy in the cemetery. The edict was followed.


 Before I proceed, let it be known that I’m not making fun of our holy dead. Iím just reporting infos in keeping with the spirit of the Halloween celebration, fun.


Thereís a proposal to decriminalize prostitution. They have not decriminalized libel yet. Oh, well ....


decriminalize prostitution? Since when has prostitution been criminal asked Noy Teeming. how many prostitutes and prostitution ëmama-sansí have been nabbed and tagged criminals


 A rabid supporter of Tomas O was heard saying: We must support Tom O to take back the good things we never had before Can you make  heads or tails of what he meant?


 One politician I know complained about the mudslinging heís been subjected to. To victims of mudslinging my advice has always been not to hit back immediately. Wait until the mud has hardened.


 A friend in New York, which is being hit by the fury of Frankenstorm (a super storm) took time to text me: Sir Nits, its our turn to face the fury of a killer storm. ì I texted back: ìTake care. God bless No reply. I hope his only busy packing up.


OVERHEARD. A schoolteacher was heard asking someone what UNDAS means. This someone answered: Di ba na opisina sa UN o United Nations? The schoolteacher said: Bitaw no. Acronym tingali na sa usa ka UN agency. It was a grade school kid who gave the right answer: Kalagkalag na sa mga Tagalog oy.The schoolteacher was dead serious (no pun intended) when she asked the question.

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