Talisay endorses investment plan

CEBU, Philippines- Talisay City Councilor Edward Alesna has endorsed to the City Coucil the 2015 Annual Investment Plan amounting to P2.66 billion as part of the process of preparing for the next year's annual budget.

Alesna, chairman of the Committee on Appropriation, Budget Management and Ways and Means, said the AIP will serve as guide in the implementation of development projects next year.

The AIP gets its funds from the Local Development Fund which comes from the city's Internal Revenue Allotment share.

The 2015 AIP is broken down into social development projects, economic development projects and general services.

Of the amount, the Economic Services sector has the biggest allocation which is P1.3 billion. This consists of the agricultural and veterinary programs, environment and natural resources management program, engineering program, the health services program, tourism program and the motorpool services.

The social services sector has been allocated P 771.3 million that consists of social welfare and development services, while the general public services sector has been allocated P 412.9 million office expenses in the executive, legislative, administrative and general services program, among other city offices.

According to Alesna, the AIP is the indicative yearly expenditure requirements of the LGU's program, projects and activities to be integrated into annual budget.  


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