Comelec: Naga can extend help to poor

CEBU, Philippines - The Commission on Elections (Comelec) sees no violation in the distribution of P10 million as assistance to indigent residents by the Naga City government even if done during the campaign period until Election Day.

Cebu Provincial Election Supervisor Eddie Aba, in a letter addressed yesterday to Naga City Mayor Valdemar Chiong, said the city’s use of the P10-million Assistance in Crisis Situation (AICS) funds does not violate Comelec Resolution No. 9585. 

Section 1 of Comelec Resolution No. 9585 states that starting from March 29 to May 13, no public official or employee including barangay officials and those of government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries shall release, disburse, or expend any public funds.

But in the same provision, it states that the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and any other office in other departments of the government performing functions similar to the department, except for salaries of personnel, and for such other routine and normal expenses, and for such other expenses as the Comelec may authorize after due notice and hearing.

The indigent assistance fund is given to indigent residents who need burial, medical, accident, and food assistance.

The fund also covers financial aid to senior citizens, especially those who are hospitalized.

Earlier, Chiong has sought the Comelec’s opinion on the use of its AICS fund fearing that they could be charged for using government funds even during the campaign period.

The AICS fund, which is a program of the city’s social welfare and development department, allows providing financial aid to the city’s indigent residents. 

Indigent residents can avail of the AICS fund if they need burial, medical, accident, and food assistance.

It also includes financial aid for the city’s senior citizens.

“Based on the above quoted provision, our office maintains the view that the giving out of cash assistance to indigent residents, do not fall under the ban on Public Works and Release, Disbursement and Expenditures of Public  Funds, Construction of Public Works, Delivery of Material for Public Works and Issuance of Treasury Warrants and Similar Devices of Comelec Resolution No. 9585 in relation to Sections 261 (v) and (w) of the Omnibus Election Code on the ground that the activities referred to are ongoing and routine in nature during the whole year.

Besides, its implementation is necessitated by public service,” Aba said.  (FREEMAN)


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