Casino 2010, MDP-Winzir 2013 annihilate foes in SHAABAA

CEBU, Philippines —  The Casino Ethyl Alcohol Batch 2010 and MDP Customs Brokerage-Winzir Batch 2013 pulverized their respective rivals into smithereens in the 25th Sacred Heart Ateneo Alumni Basketball Athletic Association (SHAABAA) season last Thursday night, September 8, at the Magis Eagles Arena in Barangay Canduman, Mandaue City.

Gabe Dominic Branzuela filled the stats sheet with 27 points, three rebounds, five assists and three steals while Charles Divinagracia added 19 points 10 rebounds, two assists and one steal as Batch 2010 surged to an eye-popping 60-13 lead at halftime on the way to decimate Bizol Batch 2005, 114-51.

Jasper Diaz chipped in 17 markers and four assists while Justin de la Cruz had 13 points, six rebounds and two assists as Batch 2010 jumped to fourth in Division B standings with  3-1 win-loss record.

Deo Araneta posted 16 points and seven rebounds while Marc Ramedio registered a double-double of 11 points and as many rebounds but to no avail as Batch 2005 suffered its fourth setback in five games.

In the other Division B match, Bernard Chioson and Bradley Bacaltos shared the spotlight as Suprea Ready Mixed Concrete Batch 2011 dumped 04 For the Win Batch 2004, 97-83.

Chioson finished with 27 points on top of 14 rebounds, six assists and three steals while Bacaltos scattered 22 points, four rebounds and six assists as Batch 2012 earned a share of second place with Bad Boys Wingz Batch 2007 with identical 4-1 slates.

Franco Te muscled his way to 26 points, five rebounds, and two steals while Christopher Consunji banged in 17 points, nine rebounds and three assists but their efforts went in vain at Batch 2014 dropped to 2-4.

In Division C, Fletcher Galvez piled up 26 points, eight rebounds and four steals while Rendell Senining collected 18 points, 12 rebounds, six assists and six steals as Batch 2013 ruthlessly demolished Gaisano Capital Batch 2022, 113-60, to improve their record to 4-2.

Still in Division C, Brandon Largo charted 20 points, five rebounds, six assists and three steals to power Casa Mira Batch 2021 to a 68-63 triumph over RDAK Powersports Batch 2020.

Sean Joshua Uribe and Martin Patrick Dumon connived for 27 points, 18 rebounds, four assists and four steals while Rey Marcus Fuentes IV tossed in a double-double of 11 points and 12 rebounds for Batch 2021, which now holds a 3-4 mark. — EBV

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