Never let your guard down

It’s been eight months since we have been quarantined and the number of active Covid-19 cases has finally gone down. Businesses started to open since the quarantine measures have been eased out by the government but some people are letting their guards down in terms of not following simple safety protocols. We drop by the beach just recently and was shocked to see people not wearing masks and not observing social distancing, totally disregarding safety protocols! It seems like they have forgotten that the deadly coronavirus is still here, waiting for us to make a mistake. Although life has to go on and we must strive and learn to survive the daily grind with Covid-19 around, the vaccine has yet to be released or approved. For now, the best vaccine we have is continue to stay safe.

The numbers have obviously gone down but not flattened. Some quaranitine facilities have closed because incoming patients has gone down. But sad to say the side effects of this pandemic not only ends in one person getting infected. It has mutated to something scarier. I am not a doctor nor a rocket scientist but visually, you can see that some close friends have passed away recently not due to Covid-19 but mainly due to stroke or heart attack. I have been busy attending wake left and right as friends have suddenly fallen to this death caused by stroke or heart failure.

Experts are on a dillema about all the possible effects of the virus and the long-term health problem is poses. This is a relatively new virus and some friends who have survived the disease have experienced “out of breath” by simply going up and down the stairs. I have also read that even the elite athletes who have recovered and get back to their exercise routine have some difficulty in doing the same workout they previously done. In performing their routine intervals and cardio exercises, the common factor was they were “gasping for breath”, which could mean that muscles were not getting enough oxygen.

Anyone is at risk so not even professional athletes, triahthetes or Ironman finishers are safe from Covid-19. Preliminary data suggests that up to 1 in 5 people who got the virus ended up with some sort of heart injury. This injury is defined in several ways like worsened heart function, arrhythmias or the like. Hopefully in the coming months, a more complete research should be done to warn everyone about the side effects of Covid-19. The bottom line here is that medical practitioners don’t have enough data and information to know the extent of how the virus has the effects of heart injury. But definitely know that there are signs pointing to some level of heart risk for someone who got the virus. Majority of people still ignore this pandemic and thinks that they are young, strong, fit and healthy. “Mga gahi” that they will not be affected by this pandemic. The concern should be more on the long term effects of this virus. 

So for now, never let your guard down. Stay safe. Remember all the safety protocols we have been doing during the past eight months. If you have to go out to do some errands, just avoid the 3 C’s: crowded places, close-contact, and confined/enclosed spaces.

GONE TOO SOON.. It’s really hard to believe that some close friends and collegues have left us this 2020. Rest In Peace sir Enrico Navarro, Atty. Jed Neri, Archt. Guimo Hisancha, Archt. Edwin Mendoza, Archt. Joselito Orellano, Hilda Grace Monsanto, and Maui Recla. I will surely miss you guys. God be with you, till we meet again.

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