6 down, 6 to go!

2020 is an exciting year to look forward to as a basketball fanatic. There’s that heavyweight match--up in the Western Conference between the Los Angeles Clippers powered by reigning Finals MVP Kwahi Leonard and their neighbor LA Lakers led of course of superstar Lebron James. However, everything came to a halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Four months since the NBA suspended its season after Utah Jazz big man Rudy Gobert tested positive for the deadly virus, the league is headed to much awaited restart on July 30 inside ‘the bubble’ athmosphere at the Disney World sports complex in Orlando, Florida. Complex as it may seem given the current situation  wherein many NBA players have been hit by the virus, the the resumption of the NBA for me will give everyone a sense of positivity in life.

On my personal end, the sport of running and triathlon has kept me on my toes in my fitness journey. Signing up for races throughout the year gave me a goal and motivation to train and prepare. At the same time, it serves as my ‘insurance’ to keep me fit and healthy. Inspite of the happenings right now, I have never stopped my training for the races. I don’t see any fun run taking place this year. Jogging is allowed in GCQ areas but organizing an event won’t happen anytime soon. The biggest triathlon race in the country is not spared from this crisis. The Sunrise Events, Inc. has recently announced the change date of the 70.3 Regent Ironman in Cebu, from August 9, 2020 to August 1, 2021. Participants have the option to transfer their registration either to the 2021 Alveo Ironman on March 21, 2021 in Davao or the 70.3  Ironman Desaru Coast on April 11, 2021. Participants have until August 9, 2020 to complete their new race selection. But those who wish to race in the 70.3 Regent Ironman on August 1, 2021 in Cebu don’t need any action at this time. As for the Century Tuna Full Ironman this October 2020, an announcement is coming very soon. Big events organized by Sunrise creates a domino effect as it  trickles down to the community knowing that for years it provides opportunity for everyone. As what I’ve said earlier, Covid-19 is going to stay with us for a long time but safety protocols must be put in place and strictly  implemented to make sporting events and races safe for everyone. Although sports may not be the priority activity of LGUs right now, we have to continue planning for the future. Sports development is important not only for the people but for the economy as well.

As Cebu City is the only city left in the country on ECQ status, everyone is starting to wonder when will this end. The vaccine against the dreaded virus has actually started with human trials but it is still a long way to go. Covid-19 is here for long time and we must learn to co-exist with this virus and take extra safety precautions in order to survive. The show must go on. In every crisis, there is always an opportunity. We just need the proper mindset, think positive, and plan ahead.

For me, it’s six months down and six to go. The last three months have been very memorable for me. I got to spend more time with my family and do stuff together. We learned new skills while in home quarantine. I have learned to edit videos, my kids learned to do the home chores like washing dishes, home gardening, staying fit and exercising at home. It’ a quality 3 months together and are most memorable. I gives me a reason to look forward to another 6 months with the coming and opening of the new school year through online. We are on survival mode. Take each day as a challenge. We must work as one and heal as one. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the first responders and frontline workers

who risk their lives for all of us.


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