Barangay Ginebra’s resurrection?

CEBU, Philippines - The Philippine Cup is the first conference that will usher the PBA’s 2015-2016 season.  Giving way to the men’s national basketball team who will be playing in the FIBA qualifiers in China on the later part of August for the Rio Olympics next year, the league will open on October 28, 2015.  When the season opens, the league’s crowd favorite will have a new but familiar mentor.

Barangay Ginebra definitely is the most popular team in the PBA.  Robert Jaworski was the architect of the cult following.  When the Toyota franchise disbanded, he, along with Francis Arnaiz joined Ginebra and brought along with them the Toyota loyalists.  Thru Jaworski’s years, Ginebra thrived with players like Dondon Ampalayo, Rudy Distrito, Vince Hizon, brothers Joey and Chito Loyzaga, Marlou Aquino, Bal David, Noli Locsin and Rommel Adducul to name a few.                                     

Between 1986 to 1997, Ginebra won 4 titles with Jaworski as playing coach.  Chances are, those shouting themselves hoarse during Ginebra games trace their ancestry to Toyota.

But popularity doesn’t spell the same as victory and league titles had been elusive for the taga-Barangay since 2008.   From that time up to the moment, there were several personnel changes in the hope of changing the team’s fortunes.

Ginebra had some kind of lift kits installed when they welcomed twin towers Greg Slaughter and Japeth Aguilar into their fold two years ago.  It probably made resident stars Mark Caguioa and Jay-jay Helterbrand hyper as they had more confidence in their run-and-gun game, knowing that the middle is covered.  In a perfect world, yes, but it never came to be.

The team went thru several coaches in search of lost glory, with the last one being fined by the league for hitting an opposing player.  Maybe because of this or his inability to produce the Ws or both that he was given the pink slip.  In comes the PBA’s most be-medalled coach.

With 18 league titles to his credit including two Grand Slams, Tim Cone will try to bring back Ginebra to its former lofty status as one of the PBA’s elite teams and make their animated fans more rabid.  There won’t be any overnight successes but as per reports, key Ginebra players already are anticipating Cone’s formal entry to the team.

Since Cone is a proponent of the triangle offense, focus will be on Slaughter and Aguilar.  We will be seeing more of LA Tenorio and Mac Baracael as they’re more familiar with the triangle having played for him with Alaska.  As to Caguioa and Helterbrand, we will be expecting more outside shots from both guards as the bigs can easily opt to give them the ball if the middle gets crowded.

There could be some trades before October comes and having accumulated good mileage, also Caguioa or Helterbrandor both and maybe Dorian Pena or Eman Monfort could be dealt for younger and fresher legs and Cone will be opting for those who know the triangle.   We could be seeing some Star Hotshots in a Ginebra uniform when October 18 comes.

* * *

My son Emil was in Grade 1 and one day when I dropped him off at school, told him to wait for me at the lobby come dismissal.  Afternoon came and he was there waiting together with the other graders.  I asked him what he had for lunch and I was surprised that he told me he didn’t take lunch as he waited for me and didn’t eat till the bell rang.  I was mad at myself not making things clear to him that even up to now, the memory is still vivid that the guilt inside me won’t go away.  I kept imagining what he was thinking during those four hours.

Another time, I waited for him for almost an hour and since cellphones were only for a privileged few during those days, I had to kill time by sampling the binignit, biko and banana cue, in that order, sold across the street.  Finally he emerged, tugging his school bag, white polo shirt almost the same color as his khaki shorts.  His pants and shirt pockets were stuffed with pogs.  Yup, I dumped all them pogs in the sewer on the way to the parking area, Emil without a making whimper.  He knew he did something wrong but what I did was also wrong.  Maybe because of all the coconut oil in the binignit and biko that made my head spin.

Fast forward to the present and on Sunday, the little boy who missed lunch because he waited for his Papa will be 24.  He’s a gentleman now and will never miss lunch or dinner as he cooks really good.  He don’t play pogs no more but he swims, bikes and runs.  Thru the years, he had been patient with us, respectful, prayerful and is close to his sister Ana.  Like me, he doesn’t talk much but his actions shows that he cares.  We couldn’t ask for more.A son is a blessing, a buddy, a teammate, a dream builder.  A son is joy.  A son is love.  Happy birthday, Part.!

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