Hasta La Vista Boyet

Ruben “Boyet” Lim was undoubtedly one of Cebu’s best balladeers.  He was a  former Cebu Pop Music interpreter, what with his powerful baritone voice and has  guested  in numerous radio and tv shows.  Boyet joined Elvisaya in several mall shows together with Sam Costanilla and Max Andrino (Dos Gwapos), Jhun Villahermosa, the Frank Sinatra of Cebu, Amie Filomeno, Ate Ging Montesclaros and comedian Chokolet.  Boyet would always bring the house down with his Lettermen and Platters medley.  Actually,  he could belt any song thus, we call him “various artists”.  A food tripper, Boyet would enjoy the best food around which eventually led to his colon cancer.  It was too late since it was already stage four when discovered. Boyet would not give up easily and tried chemo and radiation sessions, but the cancer was on its late stage.  Last week, Boyet succummed to the Big C.  Singers and musicians had a two night tribute for Boyet, singing his favorite songs.  Those who serenaded Boyet included Cebu’s top singers Baby Condeno, Girlie Lapinid, Aida Pallar, Zenny Ompoc, Dina Abellanosa and Sam Costanilla.  And oh yes, Mayor Mike Rama was also on hand to pay his respects to Boyet. We’ll miss you Boyet, continue singing with the angels and “hasta la vista”.


Bobby Torres, event coordinator of the Elvis Presley International Friendship Club called to invite Elvisaya to an Elvis  impersonation contest in Angeles City, Pampanga which is being sponsored by a resort hotel.  I was flattered to be invited but I’m scheduled to be in Maasin City, Southern Leyte to start preparation for the  Gov. Mercado Marathon Relay set in June.  There’s also invitations to perform in Dumaguete, Bohol and Gen. Santos City.  We’ll Elvis will definitely be in the building soon.


• As a  youngster, fight choreographer Samo Hung studied at the Beijing  Opera School, combining physical conditioning with dramatic study and became a member of the Seven Little fortunes children troupe.  He  instructed younger classmates including Jackie Chan, in opera style martial arts.  His scar, that  runs from his nose to the top of his lips, is a result of being slashed with a crocked soda bottle at age 16.  He has starred in 140 film in Hong Kong and is best known in America  for his fight with Bruce Lee at the beginning of the 1973 hit “Enter The Dragon”.

• Speaking of Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris recalled that  when he was invited to do that epic karate scene in the Colosseum in Rome, in 1972.  He was asked who wins? Bruce said “I do, I am the star”  to which Chuck replied,  “So you want to beat up the current world champion”? Bruce said “No, I want to kill  the current world champion”.  Of course, Bruce and Chuck never fought off screen because Bruce didn’t compete in professional tournaments. But here’s the question who do you think will win if both fought each   other in world competition? Your guess is good as mine.

NOTES:  Bon Voyage to my brother- in-law Narding Ragas and wife Marilou who depart for Houston, Texas tomorrow.  Narding is happy the Houston Rockets are playing well in the NBA.


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