All set for Castrol autocross race

CEBU, Philippines - Exciting motorsports action returns to the Queen City of the South via the Visayas leg of The Racing Line-organized Castrol Edge 2013 Regional Autocross Championship Series on May 25-26 at the Sugbu grounds in South Road Properties (SRP).

The event is the kick-off of a three-leg series, race organizer Niel Labrador said in a press conference recently at Porto's Grille along Escario Street, this city. The second stage is scheduled on June 29-30 still at the same venue.

Labrador said defending champion David G. Lim of DGL Motorsports, the undisputed king of Cebu car racing circuit, has confirmed his participation in the two-day tilt but not as a competitive racer.

"Yes, DGL will be there during the race but only as as guest driver," said Labrador. "Aside from performing a exhibition run, he will also share some valuable driving tips to aspiring car racers."

With this, Labrador is expecting new faces to surface and take part in the action-packed show that is presented by The Racing Line of Jong Uy in partnership with Castrol Edge Castrol Magnatech, Thirsty and Nature's Spring.

"I expect a lot of new faces to take part in the race. This would be a good opportunity for them to grow and carve their own niche in Cebu motorsports," said Labrador.

On the other hand, Labrador bared that he is reviving his team, the DSM Racing Performance (Davaoeñong Sugbuanong Motorista), after a seven-year hiatus to further drum up intrerest for his upcoming spectacle.

The other clubs that have already expressed their intent to compete in the event are Club Fit Cebu, Club Nissan Sentra Cebu, Dub City, Group B Motors, Kartzone, MITSUGBO, NCR (No Care Racing), NOW12 and Toyota Auto Club Cebu among others.

Enthusiasts who don't have a team but are keen on trying the sport are welcome to join on condition that they have to come early at the venue on the 25th.

Aside from the club race wherein members of the same team will test each other's driving skills, the other categories featured are the beginners, novice, intermediate and expert.

Participants will earn points for each leg. The athlete with the most points collected after three legs will be declared as the "Driver of the Year".

"With a new set of talents cropping up, I strongly feel that we will have a new overall champion this year," said Labrador.

While he looks forward to his forthcoming event with zest, Labrador announced with a heavy heart that this would be his last stint as a race organizer.

"Since I started legal drag race in Cebu way back in 2003, my time frame really is good for only 10 years. It's a tough decision on my part, but time has come for me to stop organizing races. I have to pass the reponsibility to somebody else. I firmly believe that there are a lot of people out there who are capable of handling this kind of event. My only hope is that they could keep the fire of Cebu car  racing burning," said Labrador.

Even though he has already given up the role he played for a decade now, Labrador said he is not leaving motorsports for good. "I will be back next year most probably as a competitor. I assure everyone that I will still be there to support the racing circuit in whatever way I possibly could." (FREEMAN)

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